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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
After the appearance of the Zen Delay hardware FX module, its virtual successor is now available. *To complete your Zen Delay Virtual purchase seamlessly, you will be directed to a trusted external service provider.
在Zen Delay硬件FX模块出现后,其虚拟继任者现在可用*为了无缝完成您的Zen Delay虚拟购买,您将被引导到一家值得信赖的外部服务提供商。
It’s not just a digital copy of the original equipment; In addition to the full automation capabilities provided by the DAW environment, ZDV brings several new features to the game.
ZDV is the secret studio weapon for all kinds of instruments: drums, basses, keyboards, guitars, vocals, effects, fouls… no matter what instrument or sound source you play, ZDV will help you improve, redefine and reshape your sound. . in exciting ways.
Finally, it should be noted that for every license sold, one five-year-old oak tree is planted as part of the reforestation project by the Liquid Sky artist collective in southern Portugal, and will be cared for until the tree can survive on its own.
最后,需要注意的是,每售出一张许可证,就有一棵五年树龄的橡树被种植,这是葡萄牙南部Liquid Sky艺术家集体重新造林项目的一部分,并将得到照顾,直到这棵树能够独立生存。
The new LFO page brings amazing rhythmic animation to life with filter and delay controls, with FM and AM controls to add even more modulation depth.
The preset manager helps you save your own effects settings. Comes with a selection of amazing presets from our talented team of mutant blacksmiths such as Mijk van Dijk, Toktok’s Nerk, Air Liquide’s Dr Walker and more.
预设管理器可帮助您保存自己的效果设置。从我们才华横溢的变种铁匠团队中选择了一系列令人惊叹的预设,如Mijk van Dijk、Toktok的Nerk、液化空气的Dr Walker等。
brand new timings for various triplet grooves and dotted delay times
the ability to change the routing between the delay and filter stages, even by inserting a filter into the feedback loop.
