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PSPAudioware’s PSP Plugins Bundle contains 26 plug-ins that will be indispensable for mixing and mastering engineers and producers.
PSP 2445 EMT v1.3.11
PSP 608 MultiDelay v1.8.0
PSP auralComp v1.0.1
PSP auralControl v1.2.3
PSP BinAmp v1.1.0
PSP BussPressor v1.1.2
PSP E27 v1.7.3
PSP Echo v1.5.2
PSP FETpressor v1.2.1
PSP HertzRider2 v2.0.3
PSP Impressor v1.0.2
PSP InfiniStrip v1.2.5
PSP Lotary2 v2.1.3
PSP MasterQ2 v2.1.4
PSP NobleQ v1.8.2
PSP oldTimer v2.2.1
PSP oldTimerMB v1.2.1
PSP PianoVerb2 v2.5.4
PSP Saturator v1.1.2
PSP SpringBox v1.1.2
PSP stereoController2 v2.0.0
PSP stompDelay v1.1.2
PSP stompFilter v1.2.1
PSP Twin-L v1.2.1
PSP VintageWarmer2 v2.10.2
PSP Xenon v1.6.1
PSP 608 MultiDelay
PSP 608多延迟
The PSP 608 MD is arguably the most complete delay plug-in available on the market. PSP Audioware offers you a creative tool that is not only functional but also inspiring.
PSP 608 MD可以说是市场上最完整的延迟插件。PSP音频软件为您提供了一个创造性的工具,不仅功能强大,而且鼓舞人心。
Each line has settings for reverse delay, stereo expansion and panning, delay time, multi-mode filter, modulation, gain/tape saturation and reverb. In addition, reverse delay and drive can be placed at the beginning or end of the signal chain for more advanced processing options!
The modulation section includes an LFO and an envelope, as well as a tape saturation algorithm taken from our renowned mastering processors. And, of course, all this can be done with any bit depth and sample rate up to 24-bit/192 kHz, and fully automated using MIDI and any host sequencer.
PSP 2445 EMT
PSP 2445 EMT
Reverb plug-in from PSPaudioware. Inspired by the two legendary reverbs from the dawn of the digital age, the EMT® 244 and the EMT® 245, PSP has painstakingly explored how to bring the specific features of these simple yet highly musical sounding processors into a plug-in. We then refined and created a convenient set of parameters to control the nuances of sound that are not available in the original equipment.
PSP Busspressor
PSP Busspressor
PSPaudioware PSP BusPressor is a compressor optimized for group processing of channels or processing on the master bus. This is the classic sound of VCA compression with a wide range of tuning options. The control implemented in the PSP BussPressor allows you to fine-tune the high-pass filter side chain or apply parallel compression.
PSP音频软件PSP BusPressor是一款针对通道组处理或主总线处理进行优化的压缩器。这是VCA压缩的经典声音,具有广泛的调谐选项。PSP BussPressor中实现的控制允许您微调高通滤波器侧链或应用并行压缩。
The PSP E27 is a three-band equalizer with nine groups of selectable frequencies, modeled after the E27 analog equalizer manufactured by Avedis Audio Electronics. This EQ offers +/- 16dB of boost/cut on selected frequency bands and also offers soft saturation. The low and high pass filters can be set to bell or shelf modes at the touch of a button. The E27 is suitable for mixing and mastering. The PSP E27 offers additional pre-amp stages for global level control. This EQ plugin captures the non-linear behavior of analog devices.
PSP E27是一款三频段均衡器,具有九组可选频率,模仿Avedis Audio Electronics制造的E27模拟均衡器。该均衡器在选定的频带上提供+/-16dB的升压/截止,还提供软饱和。低通滤波器和高通滤波器可以在触摸按钮时设置为钟形或搁板模式。E27适用于混音和母版制作。PSP E27提供了额外的预放大器级,用于全球水平的控制。这个EQ插件捕捉模拟设备的非线性行为。
The PSP E27 SE (included) is a simplified version of the PSP E27 and is based on the same engine, but has a redesigned simple GUI and offers quick frequency adjustments. The PSP E27se is equipped with one E27 and one PA11. This is ideal for both mono and stereo tracks where you don’t need separate left and right channel settings.
PSP E27 SE(包括在内)是PSP E27的简化版本,基于相同的引擎,但具有重新设计的简单GUI,并提供快速频率调整。PSP E27se配备了一个E27和一个PA11。这非常适合单声道和立体声音轨,因为它们不需要单独的左右声道设置。
PSP FETpressor
PSP FETpressor
The PSP FETpressor is a FET feedback compressor plug-in designed to provide precise, near-instantaneous compression with high character counts. Great for vocals, guitars, bass, drums, and whenever a classic 1970s-style FET compressor is needed, the PSP FETpressor contains everything you’d expect from a FET compressor: a high pass filter with an internal sidechain to control the amount of low frequency pumping, continuously adjustable compression ratio, the ability to select a channel for processing and a link switch.
PSP FETpressor是一款FET反馈压缩器插件,旨在提供高字符数的精确、接近瞬时的压缩。非常适合人声、吉他、低音、鼓,无论何时需要经典的20世纪70年代风格的FET压缩器,PSP FETpressor都包含了FET压缩器的所有功能:高通滤波器,带内部侧链,可控制低频泵浦量,压缩比可连续调整,选择处理通道的能力和链接开关。
PSP HertzRider2
PSP HertzRider 2
The PSP HertzRider2 (frequency shifter) is the successor to the PSP HertzRider. It uses algorithmic optimization and adds many important new features. It was designed to be as simple as possible, use as few resources as possible, and have very low (and frequency dependent) latency.
The HertzRider can be an incredible tool for tuning inharmonious sounds, but for harmonics it becomes a creative and destructive tool. In addition to a wide range of settings, the plugin contains an LFO (Low Frequency Generator) to provide interesting modulation options allowing you to experiment creatively with this instrument further.
PSP InfiniStrip
PSP InfiniStrip
PSP InfiniStrip Virtual Modular Channel Strip Released
PSP InfiniStrip虚拟模块化通道条发布
InfiniStrip offers 25 modules that you can arrange as you wish and combine them into your own effect chains. The modules are divided into eight different types: preamps, filters, compressors, equalizers, limiters, speakers, control modules and special modules. Mapping parameters will help you quickly try out different effects of the same type. Each of them has its own side entrance, which is very practical. Depending on the track you’re working with, mono or stereo versions of each device are available.

1PSPaudioware PSP stereoContoller2 [WiN] 2.0VST.VST3.AAX双声道立体声信号的校正工具
2PSPaudioware PSP 285 v1.0.0-R2R延迟效果器,它可以产生各种各样的基于延迟的效果——从简单的拍击和回声到复杂的节奏模式,从忠实的磁带延迟模拟到扭曲的音调偏移和共振滤波效果 VST,VST3,AAX
3PSPaudioware PSP stompFilter v1.2.0 提供范围极广的调制滤波和放大声音VST, VST3, AAX x64
4PSPaudioware PSP auralControl v1.1 多通道跟踪、混合和母盘制作的重要工具 AAX,AU,WIN
5总线高精度压缩机PSPaudioware PSP Impressor 1.0.1 VST,VST3,AAX,WIN
6经典的PSP饱和器pspaudioware psp saturator 1.1 VST专业音频效果器插件
7PSP最新更新效果器集合PSPaudioware – PSP Plugins Bundle 2022.1 VST, VST3, AAX
8多重音频效果器PSPaudioware PSP InfiniStrip 1.2.2x64前置放大器、滤波器、压缩...
9pspaudioware psp twin-l v1.1.0 win 双算法经典限幅器
10pspaudioware psp preqursor2 v2.0.2 win 独特设计的滤波器
11pspaudioware psp fetpressor v1.1.0 win 场效应管压缩效果器
12pspaudioware psp springbox v1.1.0 win 硬件spring混响器模拟
13pspaudioware psp nexcellence v1.0.2 win 弹簧混响
14pspaudioware psp busspressor v1.1.0 win 总线压缩器
15PSPaudioware – PSP oldTimerMB v1.2.2 + ME v2.2.2 VST, VST3, AAX x64复古风格的多频带压缩器
16pspaudioware psp hertzrider2 v2.0.2移频器插件移相效果器 VST,VST3,AAX,WIN
17PSPaudioware PSP 2445 EMT v1.3.1混响效果器 VST,VST3,AAX,WIN
18PSPaudioware PSP 608 MultiDelay 1.7.0 Win/Mac延迟效果器
19PSPaudioware PSP E27 v1.0.1 WiN多级均衡效果器
20PSPaudioware PSP Xenon 1.6 经典的限幅器插件