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Introducing Dark Sky - A Dimension Shifting FX Engine With Infinite Outcomes
Harnessing the power of granular synthesis, Dark Sky transforms any audio signal it touches, crafting immersive and evolving soundscapes. Whether you want to add a lush, ethereal ambience to your synths, infuse your drums with spatial depth, or bring a distinct atmosphere to your overall sound...
利用颗粒合成的力量,Dark Sky可以转换它所接触到的任何音频信号,打造身临其境、不断发展的音景。无论您是想为合成器增添郁郁葱葱、空灵的氛围,为鼓注入空间深度,还是为整体声音带来独特的氛围。。。
Dark Sky delivers unparalleled texture for those who like to push sonic boundaries & explore the unknown. Blending a unique atmosphere with granular delay, Dark Sky can turn any audio signal into something special.
Dark Sky为那些喜欢突破声音界限和探索未知的人提供了无与伦比的质感。Dark Sky将独特的氛围与颗粒延迟融为一体,可以将任何音频信号变成特别的东西。
What does DARK SKY do?
Dark Sky is a playground for achieving mesmerizing texture & atmosphere, regardless of the sound you throw at it. For this plugin, we studied every in and out when it comes to granular FX to create the ultimate tool for limitless creative outcomes. Whether you're fine-tuning a single instrument or reimagining an entire mix - Dark Sky brings a unique spatial quality to your music, bringing each element to life. It’s perfect for adding a rich, textural atmosphere to everything from synths, guitars and pianos to vocals and drums alike.
Dark Sky是一个实现令人着迷的纹理和氛围的游乐场,无论你向它发出什么声音。对于这个插件,我们研究了颗粒FX的每一个输入和输出,以创建实现无限创意结果的终极工具。无论您是微调单个乐器还是重新构想整个混音,Dark Sky都会为您的音乐带来独特的空间品质,让每个元素都栩栩如生。它非常适合为从合成器、吉他和钢琴到人声和鼓等所有乐器添加丰富的质感氛围。
How does DARK SKY work exactly?
DARK SKY究竟是如何工作的?
DARK SKY includes 6 unique fx parameters for shifting your sound into a dream-like soundscape.
DARK SKY包含6个独特的fx参数,可将您的声音转换为梦幻般的音景。
The Number parameter determines how many grains are sampled from the incoming audio, controlling glitch delay-like textures & atmospheric reverbs.
The Speed parameter determines the playback speed (pitch of the grains). This allows you to shift octaves to dial in your desired outcome.
The Detune parameter subtly randomizes the pitches of the grains and modulates them to create an ensemble-like sound.
The Feedback parameter recycles grains back into the signal, working in much the same way as a Feedback knob on a regular delay. The higher the Feedback, the longer the effect will linger.
The Size parameter controls whether you want to make the grains smaller or larger, extending or shortening the length of grain size.
The Mix parameter controls the “wet” mix amount of the other 5 parameters that you want blended into your dry signal.
