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容量: | 269M |
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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Sonimus products are born as a result of careful research and practical development. Our unique technologies allow us to create accurate emulations of vintage equipment that meet the requirements of recording studios, mastering, the recording industry and post-production.
TuCo Compressor Getting analog compression character has never been easier. Based on Vari-Mu tube technology, Tuco delivers clean, warm and crisp sound with an easy-to-use interface and advanced mixing features. Provide instant stickiness and sound density to your tracks.
This is a powerful software engine that creates a full 3D audio experience, instantly adding punch, smoothness and clarity.
Designed for use on all tracks of a single channel and bus groups, this plugin provides enormous audio enhancement capabilities, an intuitive graphical interface and two crosstalk modes – classic Vintage or Modern with subtle adjustments to achieve a distinct vintage or modern sound quality.
This plug-in guarantees a professional fit and improved overall tonal quality to match the performance of one of America’s most popular hardware consoles.
Designed to emulate the workflow and sonic character of analog mixing consoles” and inspired by the “classic 8014 console” while having its own personality and delivering “classic warm, open,
Inspired by the world’s most sought-after Class A mic preamp, Sonimus brings you the Burnley 73. Recreating the characteristics of the original 1073 preamp EQ bands and filter sections, as well as the unique features of the line and mic inputs, the Burnley 73 puts all of these features right into your your DAW.
Sonimus以世界上最受欢迎的A级麦克风前置放大器为灵感,为您带来伯恩利73。Burnley 73重新创造了原始1073前置放大器均衡器频带和滤波器部分的特性,以及线路和麦克风输入的独特功能,将所有这些功能都融入了您的DAW中。
Emulating the legendary sound of one of Britain’s most famous consoles, Satson takes advantage of a console workflow including analogue metering, gain control, saturation and stereo crosstalk. By combining Satson Channel and Buss, your tracks will sound larger than life.
Combining the efficiency of channel strips with the flexibility of a virtual rack, Satson CS creates the ultimate mixing environment with endless possibilities. It allows you to easily combine and rearrange up to eight Satson channel modules, StonEQ and a custom-built bus compressor in one plugin. Get the power and flexibility of one of Britain’s best-known consoles in every form you can imagine.
Satson CS将通道条的效率与虚拟机架的灵活性相结合,创造了具有无限可能性的终极混合环境。它允许您在一个插件中轻松组合和重新排列多达八个Satson通道模块、StonEQ和一个定制的总线压缩器。以你能想象到的各种形式,获得英国最著名的游戏机之一的强大功能和灵活性。
An innovative modular equalizer that can be customized to create a unique analog style equalizer. Easily add, remove, and rearrange its modules in any way you want to find the best combination for your work. Each band module takes the best of several world-class equalizers, delivering analog warmth and clarity to your tracks.
Combining the best qualities of two of the most popular and charismatic equalizers on the market, SonEQ Pro gives the sound a smooth, silky feel. It emulates the EQ curves of these two famous analog devices and allows you to give them extra drive and warmth thanks to the unique preamp section. This is a single, holistic and at the same time universal plugin.
SonEQ Pro融合了市场上两款最受欢迎、最具魅力的均衡器的最佳品质,给人以流畅、丝滑的感觉。它模拟了这两个著名模拟设备的EQ曲线,并通过独特的前置放大器部分为它们提供额外的驱动力和温暖。这是一个单一的,整体的,同时通用的插件。
Go to the crack folder and run the registry file of the plugin you want to activate.
If you want to deactivate, go to the Deactivation folder and run the Remove registry file.
