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维斯。这是音频控制中的名称。作为音质的同义词,掌握工具的Weiss工程套件的价值是不可否认的。但随着优质工具的出现,也会出现优质的价格标签。这款手工挑选的套装让您可以拥有掌握装备的黄金标准,只需标价上的几分钱。把你的工作发挥到几乎在过去二十年的所有主要记录中都能听到,或者说是闻所未闻的水平。这些精确建模的插件与Weiss Engineering合作创建,为基于DAW的工作室带来了无与伦比的掌握能力。压缩、限制、减压、混合最大化、均衡;以非凡的价值获得所有必要的掌握元素。
Weiss. It’s the name in audio mastering. Synonymous with sound quality, the value of the Weiss Engineering suite of mastering tools is undeniable. But with premium instruments come premium price tags. This hand-picked bundle allows you to own the gold-standard in mastering gear for pennies on the list price. Take your work to a caliber heard, or rather unheard, on virtually every major record of the past two decades. Created in collaboration with Weiss Engineering, these exactingly modeled plug-ins bring unsurpassed mastering excellence into the DAW-based studio. Compression, limiting, de-essing, mix maximizing, equalizing; get all the essential mastering elements at an exceptional value.
Weiss EQ1
There’s a reason Weiss Engineering’s EQ1 has been at the top of the heap since its release in 1996. The EQ1’s dazzling sonic qualities combined with its flexibility as either a Minimum Phase EQ, a Linear Phase EQ, or a Dynamic EQ have made it the must-have digital mastering equalizer. The Weiss EQ1 plug-in crystallizes that legacy in software form.
Weiss Engineering的EQ1自1996年发布以来一直位居榜首,这是有原因的。EQ1令人眼花缭乱的音质加上它作为最小相位均衡器、线性相位均衡器或动态均衡器的灵活性,使其成为必备的数字母盘均衡器。Weiss EQ1插件以软件形式具体化了这一遗留问题。
Weiss DS1-MK3
Mastering compression, limiting, and de-essing without compromise. Every mastering engineer’s fondest dream is about to come true. Our plug-in is a line-by-line code port of the legendary Weiss DS1-MK3 mastering processor — the unit no serious mastering engineer can do without. The DS1-MK3 brings unparalleled mastering quality into the DAW-based studio with new features and workflows, and makes the very best in mastering dynamics more affordable than ever.
毫无妥协地掌握压缩、限制和消除压力。每一位大师级工程师最美好的梦想即将实现。我们的插件是传奇的Weiss DS1-MK3主控处理器的逐行代码端口,这是任何一个专业的主控工程师都离不开的单元。DS1-MK3通过新功能和工作流程为基于DAW的studio带来了无与伦比的掌握质量,并使掌握动态方面的最佳技术比以往任何时候都更经济实惠。
Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer
Weiss MM-1母版最大化器
Based on the legendary Weiss DS1-MK3, the centerpiece of mastering studios the world over (and also now available as a Softube plug-in), we’re delighted to offer the future of fast and professional mix maximizing the MM-1 Mastering Maximizer. Featuring the very same algorithms as the original digital hardware unit, the MM-1 offers five flavours of limiting; transparent, loud, punch, wide, and deess; intelligently progressing as the ‘amount’ knob turns, and blendable with the mix control, to give you precisely the right amount of power over the feel of your masters.
基于传奇的Weiss DS1-MK3,全球mastering studios的核心产品(现在也可以作为Softube插件提供),我们很高兴为MM-1 mastering Maximizer提供快速和专业的混合。MM-1采用与原始数字硬件单元相同的算法,提供五种限制;透明、响亮、冲压、宽和deess;随着“数量”旋钮的转动而智能地前进,并可与混音控制混合,为您提供准确的力量,让您感受到主人的感觉。
Weiss Compressor/Limiter
The name Weiss is synonymous with quality in mastering, and a truly exceptional compressor/limiter is essential to any serious mastering engineer. The Weiss DS1-MK3 is the gold-standard for the world’s greatest mastering gurus, and for the Weiss Compressor/Limiter, we draw on its essence (and code-base) to bring a totally focused modern answer to the question ‘how should I deal with dynamics on my mix bus?’
Weiss这个名字是掌握质量的同义词,一个真正出色的压缩器/限制器对于任何认真的掌握工程师来说都是必不可少的。Weiss DS1-MK3是世界上最伟大的大师级大师的黄金标准,对于Weiss压缩器/限制器,我们利用其精华(和代码库)为“我应该如何处理混合总线上的动态”这一问题提供了一个完全集中的现代答案
Weiss Deess
Whether you’re trying to tame sibilance in a lead vocal, rein in a sharp-sounding hi-hat, or reduce harshness while mastering, a truly great de-esser is as elusive as it is essential. Enter the Weiss Deess, available as an individual plug-in or as part of the Weiss DS1-MK3 collection. With a combination of the highly-prized sonics of the industry gold-standard Weiss DS1-MK3 the go-to digital hardware de-essing unit used in top mastering studios the world over and a totally modern and focused approach in design, Softube is psyched to announce the Weiss Deess Plug-in. Stop searching, start succeeding this is the de-esser.
无论你是想在主唱中驯服西比兰斯,还是想戴上一顶高亢的帽子,还是想在掌握的过程中减少刺耳的声音,一个真正伟大的德塞尔都是难以捉摸的,因为它是必不可少的。输入Weiss-Deess,作为单个插件或Weiss DS1-MK3集合的一部分提供。凭借业界黄金标准Weiss DS1-MK3中备受赞誉的超音速技术(全球顶级母版工作室中使用的go to digital hardware Dessing unit)和一种完全现代且专注的设计方法,Softube很高兴宣布推出Weiss Deess插件。停止搜索,开始后续操作这是Deesser。
