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[键盘乐器] Soundiron – Dusty Roads (KONTAKT)芬德·罗兹马克II舞台钢琴音源



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发表于 2022-7-5 18:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
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Dusty Roads captures the essence of the classic Fender Rhodes Mark II stage piano. We recorded this vintage beauty in a tight stereo and straight-line input, giving you total freedom to shape the tone and make it your own. The end result is a naturally playable, great-sounding instrument that will bring your tracks to life, with tons of sound shaping options and expanded content to take that classic sound in new directions.

This iconic model was one of the most popular in the legendary line of instruments created by Harold Rhodes. He developed his unique take on the electro-acoustic piano concept during World War II while trying to create compact bedside electric pianos to aid in the recovery of wounded soldiers. He released an early Piano Bass with Fender in 1959. The first full-size Mark I “Suitcase” was released in 1965 after CBS bought Fender. The Mark I Stage followed in 1970 and the Mark II came out in 1979. Although the Rhodes line was just one of many early attempts to “electrify” the piano concept and sound, it achieved a completely new tonal and dynamic character. and completely different. The Mark II has a smooth, silky, an almost glassy bell-like tone when played softly, but it quickly rises when the player penetrates it with an indistinct growl and the full body of an electric organ. It is one of the very few classical keyboards that came to define the aesthetic of mid-20th century music.

这个标志性的模型是哈罗德·罗德斯(HaroldRhodes)创作的传奇乐器系列中最受欢迎的型号之一。他在第二次世界大战期间开发了他独特的电声钢琴概念,同时试图创建紧凑的床边电动钢琴,以帮助受伤士兵康复。1959年,他发行了一部早期的钢琴贝司,配乐为Fender。1965年,哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)购买了挡泥板后,第一款全尺寸Mark I“行李箱”问世。Mark I阶段于1970年推出,Mark II于1979年推出。虽然罗兹线只是早期尝试“电气化”钢琴概念和声音的众多尝试之一,但它实现了全新的音调和动态特征。完全不同。马克II在轻声演奏时有一种光滑、丝滑、近乎玻璃般的铃铛般的音调,但当演奏者用模糊的咆哮声和电风琴的全身穿透它时,音调会迅速上升。它是为数不多的定义20世纪中期音乐审美的古典键盘之一。

We sampled all 73 keys with 6 speed layers and 4 circle algorithms and then recorded up and down key sound effects so you can adjust the release volume and number of key clicks, giving you just the right amount of tactile presence for when you really want to feel. tool. Not stopping there, we’ve created 20 shifting textural soundscapes that range from ethereal and cinematic to haunting and atmospheric – perfect for emphasizing and adding depth to your musical compositions. You can weave them into the sound in real time or play them like your own instruments. You’ll also find 20 custom effect presets that use our template’s layered features and effects, to stretch sounds in all sorts of new directions. And finally, our modular FX rack allows you to re-amplify your new electronic piano with various combinations of pedals, amps and speakers, as well as add various DSP effects.





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