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The British-style console preamp and eq units have been the most sought-after equipment since the first days they came out. Queen, Nirvana, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, David Bowie, Foo Fighters, Slipknot, Metallica, Adele, Drake …etc as just a few examples. They’ve been used on countless classic top platinum-selling albums and are also still widely used, which confirms these legendary modules’ status much-wanted classic units that every mixing/mastering environment needs.
NEED Preamp and Eq Collection include 7 Outstanding British-style preamp/eq plugins! All of them are extremely accurate end-to-end circuit emulations that retain each small detail and true vintage tone of this phenomenal studio equipment. NEED Preamp and Eq Collection is a Real Gem!
NEED Preamp and Eq Collection features
- 7 British style NEED plugins in one bundle: NEED 73, 84, 81 and 31102 Console EQ units and their separated preamps, NEED 533 EQ.
- Truly accurate circuit reproduction of the legendary British Class-A and AB preamps.
- Nuance Deviation System (NDS) for individual Left/Mid and Right/Side channels.
- Mid/Side channel processing mode.
- For Need 73 & 84: Class-A Mic (from –80 dB to 0 dB) and Line (from +10 dB to 0 dB) Preamp model with output gain compensator (Drive Mode).
-需要73和84:A级话筒(从–80 dB到0 dB)和线路(从+10 dB到0 dB)前置放大器型号,带输出增益补偿器(驱动模式)。
- For Need 81: Class-AB Mic (from –80 dB to 0 dB) and Line (from +10 dB to 0 dB) Preamp model with output gain compensator (Drive Mode).
-需要81:AB类话筒(从–80 dB到0 dB)和线路(从+10 dB到0 dB)前置放大器型号,带输出增益补偿器(驱动模式)。
- For Need 31102: Class-A Mic (from –80 dB to 10 dB) Preamp model with output gain compensator (Drive Mode).
-根据需要31102:A级话筒(从–80 dB到10 dB)前置放大器型号,带输出增益补偿器(驱动模式)。
- Additional mid bands for NEED 73, 84 and 31102 Console EQ units.
- Custom additional High-Pass and Low-Pass Filters for NEED 533 EQ.
-根据需要定制附加高通和低通滤波器533 EQ。
- Complex
