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专业DJ功能软件 XYLIO Future DJ Pro 1.9.0



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-4-14 13:52:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆

文件大小:250.7 MB

Future DJ Pro is packed with the latest professional DJ features that answer the needs of both professional and aspiring DJs. Future.dj pro can easily be used by all manner of DJs, from bedroom DJs who enjoy creating their own mashups and mixes in the comfort of their home, to mobile DJs and club/live DJs that perform in clubs and other live performance conditions. Thanks to an impressive number of advanced and flexible features, there is nothing limiting your creative flow, other than your own creativity.


Future DJ Pro Features:

未来DJ Pro的特点:

- The waveform graphic display gives you real time audio signal monitoring, information about the audio signal and the beat rhythm. Each deck has 3 waveforms. The vertical waveforms are next to one another so that you can visually align the beats of the tracks.


- Mashup tracks, mix videos or karaoke and make song transitions with the greatest of ease. Thanks to the much improved audio and video engines as well as the software.s intuitive design and flexible features, you will be able to achieve any level of mixing complexity. You can also sit back and Automix an entire party, simply by activating the powerful Automix function.


- You will find the automatic BPM detection very precise allowing you to instantly sync and change between the decks. The smart-sync function guarantees that when you press the Sync button the deck will be in perfect sync with the other one.


- You can configure advanced audio routing using up to 8 inputs and outputs. You can use a microphone or turntables and CD players. Monitor/pre-listen each of the decks and samplers in headphones. Adjust the gain and equalizer or set the volume for each of the decks. A glance at the VU-meters allow you to view the signal strength.


- You can set up seamless loops instantly, by setting In and Out points. Save and recall loops just as you would cue-points. Send a loop to one of the 8 sampler slots. The loops will also be in-sync with the other decks allowing for a seamless experience.


- Apply and combine different audio effects and filters (Cutoff, Flanger, Echo, Beat Waw, Reverb, Bit Crusher, Autopan, Robot Delay, Tremolo, LP & HP filters), adjust their parameters. This will definitely spice up your mix and bring it to whole new level.


- Display your video mixes to an external monitor, projector or TV. Apply video effects and transitions. You can preview each video deck or the master video mix separately.


- Make realistic turntable effects such as disk spin, scratch, reverse, play, brake, mute, fine-tune cue-points and even .reverse spin and play. effect. To achieve these you can use your hardware controller (jog-wheels) or a turntable (using the improved timecoded-vinyl engine). A mouse works too if you want to use the virtual jog-wheels or waveform displays.


- There is a browser, a current-list and a side-list available for finding, organising and playing your tracks. You can instantly search for tracks, preview and pre-analyze them. Filter by type (audio, video, karaoke), color-mark the tracks. Most file formats are supported for audio, video and karaoke.


- For musically perfect mixes you can lock (master tempo) or change the key to your desired one to achieve not only beat-matched but also key-matched performances. The app even detects the key of a song/video to considerably simplify harmonic mixing.


- 8 sample players that you can use to play loops or jingles. You can pre-listen, choose to loop or sync them, apply filters, change the tempo.




classic DJ setup with 2 or 4 decks, pro mixer and playlists


included multiple different user interfaces (skins) with 2/4 decks versions


fully manual or automatic mixing (one-click beat-matching)


record your mixes to MP3, WAV or AIFF


broadcast your mix (Icecast support)


Pulselocker integration (access to millions of tracks)




separate headphones output and song pre-listening


advanced audio routing (for both outputs and inputs)


3-band EQ + Gain per channel (including on microphone)


advanced auto-mixing including Mix-In/Mix-Out (Cue In/Out) points


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