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Yumtone H4 is pure digital magic. This Japanese FM synthesizer called the Electone HC-4 was introduced to the market by Yamaha in 1987. buttons to control volume, instrument type, auto accompaniment, and tempo. The Electone series began as organs in the late 1950s but transitioned to digital synthesis in the 1980s with advances in integrated circuit technology.
Yumtone H4是纯数字魔术。这款名为Electrone HC-4的日本FM合成器是雅马哈在1987年推出市场的。控制音量、乐器类型、自动伴奏和节奏的按钮。Electrone系列在20世纪50年代末开始作为器官,但随着集成电路技术的进步,在20世纪80年代过渡到数字合成。
Our library includes synth sustains, staccato, piano, vibraphone, bells, tempo-synced drum machine loops, hits and key effects. We recorded instrumental articulations in wide stereo and direct line-in.
我们的音乐库包括synth sustains、staccato、piano、vibraphone、bells、与节奏同步的鼓机循环、热门歌曲和关键效果。我们用宽立体声和直线录音机记录乐器的发音。
After that, we created 20 changing ambient pads from the original content to enhance usability and 20 custom effects presets to set your next song on fire. The Yumtone H4 is a delightful classic FM synthesizer digital sampler with piping hot tones, ready to complement any musical genre.
之后,我们从原始内容中创建了20个可更改的环境垫,以增强可用性,并创建了20个自定义效果预设,以点燃你的下一首歌曲。Yumtone H4是一款令人愉悦的经典FM合成器数字采样器,带有滚烫的音调,可以补充任何音乐类型。
We’ve filled the GUI with a lot of great sound shaping controls that give you the ability to change the sound in many ways. You can control the overdub of Volume, Attack, Release, Transient Offset, Vibrato and Octave. The Glide control slider allows you to play legato and portamento solos.
You’ll also find an adaptable LFO system with selectable LFO shape, modulation target, speed, intensity, tempo sync, and rise time.
You can also apply your choice of 13 low-pass, high-pass, and FX filters with assignable modulation control parameters, including velocity, modulation wheel, expression, aftertouch, key position, and step sequencer table control.
You can also use our customizable arpeggiator with a built-in speed sequencer table and controls for arpeggio direction, note timing, swing, randomization and duration.
> 3 main powerful open-format Kontakt .nki instruments
> 20 Ambience patches created from the source content
> Synth Sustains, Staccatos, Piano, Vibraphone, Bells, Vintage Drum Loops, Hits, and Key SFX
>Synth Sustains、Staccatos、Piano、Vibraphone、Bells、复古鼓圈、Hits和键SFX
> 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
> 8.62 GB Installed
>已安装8.62 GB
> 7,226 Stereo Samples
> 24 bit / 48kHz Stereo uncompressed PCM wav audio
>24位/48kHz立体声未压缩PCM wav音频
> Unlocked wav samples can be directly imported into almost any wav-compatible plugin or DAW
