![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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Experience increased impact and clarity with clean audio by easily removing unwanted noise and enhancing your recordings. iZ Music & Speech Cleaner gives you all the tools of a complete audio cleanup suite with straight forward accessibility. Music & Speech Cleaner’s intuitive step-by-step interface guides you through the cleanup process without slowing you down. Based on the same advanced noise reduction technology the experts use, the program provides professional-quality results at a non-expert price. Music & Speech Cleaner works with a range of compatible file types, meaning it works with your favorite software, like Apple iMovie or Adobe Premiere Elements. Cleaned files can also be imported into iTunes to create MP3 or AAC files and then burned to an audio CD.
经验增加的冲击和清晰干净的音频容易消除不必要的噪音和提高您的录音。iZ Music & Speech Cleaner gives you all the tools of a complete audio cleanup suite with straight forward accessibility. 音乐与语音清洁的直观界面指导你通过一步一步的清理过程中没有你的速度慢下来。基于专家使用相同的先进的降噪技术,程序提供专业质量的结果在一个非专家的价格。音乐与语音的一系列兼容的文件类型的清洁工作,这意味着它的作品与您最喜爱的软件,如苹果的iMovie或Adobe Premiere元素。清理文件也可以被导入到iTunes创建MP3或AAC文件然后烧音频CD。