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Ivory 5 is a transparent yet extremely musical suite of processing tools that will shine on just about anything you throw at it. Whether you’re a mastering engineer who needs maximum control in the studio, or you’re producing and mixing your next big hit and need powerful, versatile tools for forming subgroups, Ivory has you covered.
Ivory 5是一套透明但极具音乐性的处理工具,可以处理你扔给它的任何东西。无论你是一名需要在工作室中最大限度控制的大师级工程师,还是你正在制作和混合你的下一部热门作品,需要强大、多功能的工具来形成小组,Ivory都会为你提供帮助。
Acustica plugins require installation: Acustica Framework
Acustica插件需要安装:Acustica Framework
A new SOA control has been added to the Ivory dynamic EQ, as well as the stereo version.
All preamps are tuned to the latest industry standards.
Improved CPU consumption.
And finally, a new powerful limiter for mastering.
Ultimate Mastering Limiter:
The Ivory 5 MAL-2 is Acustica’s own interpretation of a two-band peak limiter, inspired by the renowned British manufacturer’s famous mastering dynamics processor.
Ivory 5 MAL-2是Acustica自己对双波段峰值限制器的诠释,其灵感来自著名的英国制造商的著名母版动力学处理器。
Warning: It is intentionally not a 1:1 copy of the hardware, so don’t expect the exact same behavior!
This plugin is ideal for controlling even the highest peaks when inserted at the end of an audio chain in the traditional way; however, it can also be used as an extreme tone-shaping tool on individual tracks.
To use both limiters, HF must be turned on; this includes a 2 kHz crossover that splits the incoming signal into two bands and allows different parts of the spectrum (LF and HF) to be dealt with separately. If “HF On” is bypassed, the processor turns into a classic wideband limiter.
要同时使用两个限制器,必须打开HF;这包括2kHz的交叉,该交叉将输入信号分割成两个频带并允许单独处理频谱的不同部分(LF和HF)。如果绕过“HF On”,处理器将变为经典的宽带限幅器。
All files were taken from the Acustica Audio release from R2R and repackaged as an installer to facilitate installation/removal and save hard drive space.
所有文件都取自R2R的Acustica Audio版本,并重新打包为安装程序,以便于安装/删除并节省硬盘空间。
