Airwalker is a beautiful sounding analogue modelled reverb effect plugin. Sometimes with audio plugins less is most definately more, you dont want to get bogged down with endless amounts of controls and spend all of your time experimenting and not actually creating the sounds you need. Our Airwalker Analogue Modelled Reverb addresses this issue by only having the essential controls at your fingertips.
Airwalker is a high quality reverb plugin with a fantastic analogue sound. This sound can be shaped further using the EQ module which was added in version 2 of the plugin. Airwalker really shines due to its ease, and the speed in which fantastic sounds can be created. If you are looking for a high quality ‘work horse’ reverb give Airwalker a try. Features
- Analogue modelled reverb module.
- Controls for Room, Damping, Width, Drive, Mix.
- Full 3 band EQ module with High and Low Pass Filters.
- Presets designed by Jason White and TJO (Terry Oxby from Boomtic Records).
- Professional GUI Design.
- Very low CPU usage.
irwalker是一个美丽的测深模拟模拟混响效果插件。有时与音频插件是绝对不多,你不想陷入无穷量的控制和花费你所有的时间尝试其实并没有创建你需要的声音。我们的airwalker模拟模拟混响解决了这一问题,只有基本控制在您的指尖。 airwalker是一个高品质的混响插件与神奇的模拟声音。这声音可以进一步形成使用均衡器模块的版本中添加了2的插件。 airwalker真正闪耀由于其方便,和速度,可以创造美妙的声音。如果您正在寻找高质量的工作马混响给airwalker一试。 特点 模拟模拟混响模块。 控制室,阻尼,宽度,驱动,混合。 3波段均衡器模块与高和低通滤波器。 预置设计的杰森白人们(瑞奥格西拜从班狄克记录)。 专业图形界面设计。 非常低的用法。 |