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Imagine stepping into the world of music legends, playing the same renowned Rhodes instruments that shaped some of the greatest hits of the past, from Miles Davis and Herbie Hancock to Stevie Wonder, The Doors, Ray Charles, Steely Dan, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and countless others.
Introducing Rhodes Anthology – an authentic collection of classic and rare Rhodes pianos, restored and optimised for ultimate sound and playability.
介绍Rhodes Anthology-经典和稀有的Rhodes钢琴的真实收藏,经过修复和优化,达到了极致的声音和可玩性。
The models included in this package are a testament to the iconic Rhodes legacy, meticulously sampled by Rhodes’ world-renowned team of expert sound designers.
Explore the unmistakable sound of four classic and rare Rhodes models, each with its own distinctive character and response: the Rhodes MK1 Stage 73 (1976), Sparkletop 73 (1965), Rhodes MKV 73 (1984) and Rhodes MK7 73 (2010).  
探索四款经典而罕见的Rhodes型号的独特声音,每款型号都有自己独特的特点和反应:Rhodes MK1 Stage 73(1976)、Sparkletop 73(1965)、Rhodes MKV 73(1984)和Rhodes MK7 73(2010)
Rhodes Anthology is not just a software recreation—it’s the most authentic, playable, and musical representation of these instruments ever created and the only genuine Rhodes emulation of these classic instruments. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or an aspiring producer, Anthology sets a new gold standard for anyone looking to capture the soulful essence of the iconic Rhodes legacy.
Rhodes Anthology不仅仅是一种软件娱乐,它是这些乐器有史以来最真实、最可演奏和最具音乐性的表现,也是这些经典乐器的唯一真正Rhodes模仿。无论您是经验丰富的专业人士还是有抱负的制作人,Anthology都为任何希望捕捉标志性罗德遗产灵魂精髓的人设定了新的黄金标准。
User Interface
The Rhodes Anthology interface is simple and sophisticated, designed to deliver an intuitive experience while maintaining unmatched functionality and stunning visual renders. The Anthology features a huge range of sound-shaping power, with all the preamp and FX modules utilising the same authentic models as the esteemed Rhodes V8 Pro plugin.
Rhodes Anthology界面简单而精致,旨在提供直观的体验,同时保持无与伦比的功能和令人惊叹的视觉渲染。Anthology具有巨大的声音整形能力,所有前置放大器和FX模块都使用与备受尊敬的Rhodes V8 Pro插件相同的正品型号。
The Global Tune function allows fine-tuning of each piano, while the standout Timbre Shift feature, adapted from the V8 Pro, enables real-time re-voicing of the piano, unlocking a new realm of sonic possibilities. 
Global Tune功能允许对每架钢琴进行微调,而从V8 Pro改编而来的出色Timbre Shift功能可实现钢琴的实时重新发声,开启了一个新的声音可能性领域。 
Rhodes Anthology’s sleek, elegant interface is designed to put all the most desired sound-shaping tools at your fingertips, making it the ultimate plugin for musicians seeking classic and authentic Rhodes tones.
Rhodes Anthology时尚优雅的界面旨在将所有最想要的声音整形工具放在您的指尖,使其成为寻求经典和正宗Rhodes音调的音乐家的终极插件。
Rhodes Mark 1 Stage 73
A true icon throughout the 1970s, used extensively by Rhodes legends Herbie Hancock, Patrice Rushen, and Stevie Wonder, the Rhodes Stage 73 Mark 1 featured on countless classic and hit records, becoming a solid favourite for studio and live musicians the world over. Whether mellow or bright (or anywhere in between), the classic and timeless sound of the Mark 1 remains legendary to this day.
Rhodes Stage 73 Mark 1在整个20世纪70年代都是一个真正的偶像,被罗德斯传奇人物赫比·汉考克、帕特里斯·鲁森和史蒂夫·旺德广泛使用,出现在无数经典和热门唱片中,成为世界各地录音室和现场音乐家的最爱。无论是圆润还是明亮(或介于两者之间),Mark 1的经典和永恒的声音至今仍具有传奇色彩。
Sparkletop 73
Sparkletop 73
Produced from 1965 – 1969, the rare felt-hammer Sparkletop is most immediately recognised for its striking silver glitter hood. However, its distinctive earthy and bell-like tone is the instrument behind an array of trailblazing records, including Miles Davis’s In a Silent Way, and The Beatles’ Let it Be. The Sparkletop’s warm, shimmering sound bridges the gap between the grittiness of later Rhodes models and the punchy clarity of other electric pianos of the era. Sparkletop models occupy a unique space in musical history; they were pivotal in shaping the classic Rhodes electric piano sound that defined much of the late ’60s and early ’70s soul, jazz and rock.
这款罕见的毡锤Sparkletop生产于1965年至1969年,以其引人注目的银色闪光兜帽而闻名。然而,其独特的泥土和钟形音调是一系列开创性唱片背后的乐器,包括迈尔斯·戴维斯的 《In a Silent Way》和披头士乐队的《Let it Be》。Sparkletop温暖、闪闪发光的声音弥合了后来罗德斯型号的坚韧与那个时代其他电钢琴的强烈清晰度之间的差距。Sparkletop模型在音乐史上占据了独特的空间;他们在塑造经典的罗德斯电钢琴声音方面发挥了关键作用,这种声音定义了60年代末和70年代初的大部分灵魂、爵士乐和摇滚乐。
Rhodes MKV 73
罗德MKV 73
 Considered by Harold Rhodes and his team as the pinnacle of vintage Rhodes pianos, the now rare and sought-after Rhodes MKV featured a wide range of improvements in action, tone and portability, making it a favourite among discerning Rhodes players. Chick Corea was perhaps the most iconic MKV player and utilised his MIDI MKV throughout the 80’s and beyond. Most notably, the MKV’s redesigned hammer-action and optimised damper design enhanced the piano’s dynamic range and playability, allowing both a smooth, mellow tone as well as a more powerful ‘bark’ with more clarity and detail. The Rhodes Anthology collection includes samples captured directly from Rhodes CPO Dan Goldman’s personal Rhodes MKV piano.
 Harold Rhodes和他的团队认为Rhodes MKV是复古Rhodes钢琴的巅峰之作,现在稀有而受欢迎的Rhodes MKV在动作、音色和便携性方面都有很大的改进,使其成为挑剔的Rhodes演奏者的最爱。Chick Corea可能是最具代表性的MKV播放器,在80年代及以后一直使用他的MIDI MKV。最值得注意的是,MKV重新设计的锤击动作和优化的阻尼器设计增强了钢琴的动态范围和可演奏性,既能产生平稳、圆润的音色,又能发出更清晰、细节更丰富的“吠声”。罗兹选集系列包括直接从罗兹首席政治官丹·戈德曼的个人罗兹MKV钢琴上采集的样本。
Rhodes MK7 73
罗得岛MK7 73
The rare Rhodes MK7 took the core of the MKV piano forward, putting the Rhodes electro-mechanical engine into a unique-looking moulded fibreglass shell and adding several variants, including classic Passive, Active (preamp), and active MIDI models. Notably, the MK7 was the first production Rhodes with comprehensive MIDI output implementation and has a uniquely funky and dynamic character all of its own.
罕见的Rhodes MK7继承了MKV钢琴的核心,将Rhodes机电发动机放入外观独特的模压玻璃纤维外壳中,并增加了几个变体,包括经典的被动、主动(前置放大器)和主动MIDI型号。值得注意的是,MK7是Rhodes第一款具有全面MIDI输出实现的产品,具有独特的时髦和动态特性。
