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关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Add warmth and heft to your tracks and masters.
True Iron is a NAMM TEC Award nominated plugin made by Shane McFee (Kazrog) in conjunction with Devin Powers (Powers Music Company). It accurately emulates 6 classic line transformers, known for their use in many of the biggest names in vintage analog outboard sound processing. Models are based on the UTC 108 X, the Malotki E4M – 4001B, the Western Electric 111C, the Haufe V178, the Marinair LO1166/A , and the UTC O-12. Bonus: Take a look behind the scenes at the gear (and producers) who inspired True Iron.
True Iron是由Shane McFee(Kazrog)与Devin Powers(Powers音乐公司)联合制作的NAMM TEC奖提名插件。它精确地模拟了6个经典的线路变压器,以其在老式模拟舷外声音处理中的许多著名应用而闻名。型号基于UTC 108 X、Malotki E4M–4001B、Western Electric 111C、Haufe V178、Marinair LO1166/A和UTC O-12。奖金:看看幕后激发《真爱铁》的装备(和制作人)。
These transformers add weight, heft, and girth to your mixes and masters. The plugin features adjustable strength, input impedance, wet/dry ratio, and a special “Crush” control to add fat transformer saturation to tracks and buses. Plus, the CPU usage of the plugin is low enough that you can add it to every track or bus in a mix for added virtual analog warmth across your entire mix.
System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.9.5 or higher required
需要Mac OS X 10.9.5或更高版本
VST, AU, AAX (64 bit) compatible host required
Pro Tools 11 or higher required for AAX version
AAX版本需要Pro Tools 11或更高版本
Intel i5 "Ivy Bridge" CPU or better strongly recommended
强烈推荐Intel i5“Ivy Bridge”CPU或更高版本
Windows 7 or higher required
需要Windows 7或更高版本
VST or AAX (64 bit) compatible host required
Pro Tools 11 or higher required for AAX version
AAX版本需要Pro Tools 11或更高版本
Intel i5 "Ivy Bridge" CPU or better strongly recommended
强烈推荐Intel i5“Ivy Bridge”CPU或更高版本
