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行业标准Mastering Clipper、响度计和多频带饱和器
Industry standard Mastering Clipper, Loudness Meter, and Multiband Saturator
KClip is the most transparent way to increase the apparent loudness of your masters, tracks, and buses. KClip isn’t just for mastering – in fact, it’s also incredibly useful for adding warmth, distortion, or saturation to individual tracks – use it to fatten up drums, bass, synths, guitars, vocals, and more! KClip has become a top producer’s and engineer’s choice in pop, rock, hip hop, EDM, audio post, sound design, and audio forensics.
Industry leading oversampling quality - mastering grade oversampling with online and offline modes, "eco" mode for realtime monitoring.
- Multiband Processing – Use up to 4 different clipping modes (or none) split between 4 assignable bandwidth regions.
- EBU metering (LUFS) – Target loudness optimization to the desired level and quickly make sure your mix is ready for streaming.
- Resizable Window – Enhanced visualiser and metering expand to fit the desired window size.
- 8 clipping modes - Smooth, Crisp, Tube, Tape, Germanium, Silicon, Broken Speaker, and Guitar Amp.
- Threshold – A top user request for 48 dB of additional headroom and/or gain capability.
-阈值–最高用户请求48 dB的额外净空和/或增益能力。
- Mid/Side processing – Clip your mid and side signals separately for extra stereo imaging control.
- Settings A/B comparison – And other workflow enhancements, such as expanded oversampling options, window settings recall, wet/dry on front panel, and more!
