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r8brain PRO是一款专业的采样率转换器工具软件,旨在提供前所未有的采样率转换(SRC)质量。与市场上现有的其他SRC算法不同,r8brain PRO充分利用其潜力实现采样率转换处理:插值和抽取步骤,无需任何简化;使用基于整数编号的上/下因子的一系列中间采样率以多步方式对信号进行重采样。这使得转换变得完美——无论是在信噪比还是定时精度方面。这种整数因子SRC可以被认为是采样率转换中的黄金标准,因为它不受抖动或定时误差的影响。
r8brain PRO is a professional sample rate converter tool software designed to deliver an unprecedented sample rate conversion (SRC) quality. Unlike other existing SRC algorithms available on the market, r8brain PRO implements sample rate conversion processing in its full potential: interpolation and decimation steps without exploiting any kind of simplifications; the signal is resampled in a multi-step manner using a series of intermediate sample rates based on whole-numbered up/down factors. This makes conversion perfect – both in signal-to-noise and timing precision aspects. Such whole number-factored SRC can be considered a golden standard in sample rate conversion since it is not subject to jitter nor timing errors.
Like many existing SRC algorithms, r8brain PRO offers you a linear-phase conversion mode. But more importantly, you also have an option of using the minimum-phase conversion mode, which finally brings SRC with true analog qualities to affordable digital audio workstations: in this mode, r8brain PRO works like an ideal digital-to-analog converter followed by an analog-to-digital converter, to resample the audio. This eliminates pre-ringing associated with linear-phase designs while introducing a minimal amount of phase coloration.
与许多现有SRC算法一样,r8brain PRO为您提供了线性相位转换模式。但更重要的是,您还可以选择使用最小相位转换模式,这将最终为SRC带来真正的模拟质量,使其成为价格合理的数字音频工作站:在这种模式下,r8brain PRO的工作方式类似于理想的数模转换器,然后是模数转换器,以重新采样音频。这消除了与线性相位设计相关的预振铃,同时引入了最小量的相位着色。
r8brain PRO can read mono, stereo, and multi-channel files in WAV, RF64, Wave64, and AIFF file formats, creating 16-, 24-, 32-, and 64-bit mono, stereo, and multi-channel WAV (RF64) files in fixed- and floating-point formats. EBU BWF (broadcasting) extensions, extensible wave format, markers, sample loops, and textual data residing inside a file are also supported. For the sake of convenience, r8brain PRO allows you to perform multi-threaded batch conversions that utilize the full potential of your computer.
r8brain PRO可以读取WAV、RF64、Wave64和AIFF文件格式的单声道、立体声和多声道文件,以固定和浮点格式创建16位、24位、32位和64位单声道、立体和多声道WAV(RF64)文件。还支持EBU BWF(广播)扩展、可扩展波形格式、标记、样本循环和驻留在文件中的文本数据。为了方便起见,r8brain PRO允许您执行多线程批处理转换,充分利用计算机的潜力。
r8brain PRO’s bit-depth conversion uses an industry-standard “flat” TPDF dithering. We have decided not to implement noise-shaping dithering because audio production software available on the market usually offers the user a noise-shaping dithering of some kind already (you can also use our Elephant plug-in for this feature). We also based our decision on the fact that the sample rate conversion process often adjusts peak profile of the original program material, thus, in many cases, making a subsequent peak-limiting a necessity. To prevent output audio from clipping we have implemented a level normalization feature.
r8brain PRO的比特深度转换使用行业标准的“平坦”TPDF抖动。我们决定不实施噪声整形抖动,因为市场上可用的音频制作软件通常已经为用户提供了某种噪声整形抖动(您也可以使用我们的Elephant插件来实现此功能)。我们的决定还基于这样一个事实,即采样率转换过程经常调整原始节目材料的峰值分布,因此,在许多情况下,需要进行后续峰值限制。为了防止输出音频剪辑,我们实现了一个级别标准化特性。
