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Evolution Django Jazz重现了吉他大师Django Reinhardt的声音,他是20世纪30年代起源于巴黎的吉普赛爵士乐风格的先驱。当时工作的音乐家不明白他们不仅仅是爵士乐。事实上,由于其独特的品质,这种新兴的音乐风格最终成为了一种公认的亚流派。
Evolution Django Jazz recreates the sound of guitar virtuoso Django Reinhardt, a pioneer of the gypsy jazz style that originated in Paris in the 1930s. The musicians working at that time did not understand that they were something more than just jazz. In fact, the emerging style of music eventually became a recognized subgenre of its own due to its unique qualities.
One of these hallmarks was Django’s iconic guitar tone and fluid, expressive playing that is almost synonymous with the musical style.
The guitar we recorded for the sample library is a meticulously recreated Selmer 503 acoustic guitar by Django himself. Created by a master craftsman, the replica was built to the exact specifications of the original and includes details such as a zero fret, no bottom brace, and other subtleties of Django’s guitar that contribute to its unique sound.
我们为样本库录制的吉他是Django亲自精心创作的Selmer 503原声吉他。该复制品由一位大师工匠打造,完全按照原版的规格制作,包括零音柱、无底托以及Django吉他的其他细微之处,这些都有助于其独特的声音。
We developed the library in collaboration with Rosewood Recording Company, one of the most respected recording studios in Utah. Guy Randle, owner and sound engineer of the Rosewood Recording Company, included analog audio equipment to skilfully give the guitar a rich tone and emphasize it. Evolution Django Jazz includes both a recorded signal and an enhanced signal.
我们与犹他州最受尊敬的录音室之一Rosewood录音公司合作开发了该图书馆。红木唱片公司的老板兼音响工程师盖伊·兰德尔(Guy Randle)提供了模拟音频设备,以巧妙地赋予吉他丰富的音色并加以强调。Evolution Django Jazz包括录制信号和增强信号。
Evolution Django Jazz is based on our Evolution engine, which gives you a lot of possibilities: an innovative game pattern editor, automatic chord detection and a full set of built-in effects for the final polish of your guitar tone. If you have used any of our guitar or bass libraries that use the Evolution engine, its interface and workflow will be very familiar to you.
Evolution Django Jazz基于我们的Evolution引擎,它为您提供了很多可能性:一个创新的游戏模式编辑器、自动和弦检测和一整套内置效果,用于最终打磨您的吉他音色。如果您使用过任何使用Evolution引擎的吉他或贝斯库,那么您将非常熟悉它的界面和工作流程。
The library includes many ready-to-use factory presets, including specialized rhythm guitar playing patterns.
Key Features:
-》 Built-in effects collection for production-ready acoustic jazz guitar tones.
-》 Pattern editor including presets geared for authentic jazz rhythm guitar.
-》 Adjustable pick position using our proprietary physical modeling technology.
-》 Powerful mapping system that lets you control how articulations are selected, using conditions such as velocity ranges, MIDI CCs, latching and non-latching keyswitches, and more.
-》强大的映射系统,允许您使用速度范围、MIDI CC、锁定和非锁定按键开关等条件来控制如何选择关节。
Sampling specifications:
-》 12.3 GB (compressed to 6.28 GB using the lossless NCW audio format) of 24-bit samples.
-》12.3 GB(使用无损NCW音频格式压缩至6.28 GB)24位样本。
-》 Articulations such as sustains, palm mutes, mutes, natural harmonics, plus special effects like string slaps, muted strums, body hits, and others.
-》 Legato samples for slides, hammer-ons, and pull-offs.
-》 The articulations have 3 dynamics, 2 pick directions (when applicable), and 2x round-robin.
Kontakt Player 5.8.1 (free)
