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K歌录音VST效果器下载 VSTI音源下载 声卡调试

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SugarBytes 公司产品集



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2022-4-20 09:59:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
我们成立了Sugar Bytes,为我们所有的音乐朋友制造并提供最好的乐器。声音更好、外观更好的音频软件,比任何其他软件都更容易使用和更便宜。简单地说,伟大的产品可以用更少的按钮做更多的事情,有更多的功能,更少的说明,只是更有趣和更便宜。Sugar Bytes工具应该通过给你更多的创作自由和激励每个人制作更多的音乐来节省你的时间和金钱。因为音乐是生活咖啡中的糖!

We founded Sugar Bytes to make and provide the best instruments for all of our musical friends. Better sounding, better looking audio software that is easier to use and cheaper than anything out there. Simply great products that can do more with fewer buttons, that have more features with fewer instructions, that are just more fun and cheaper. Sugar Bytes Tools should save you time and money by giving you more creative freedom and inspiring everyone to make more music. Because music is the sugar in life’s coffee!
EFFECTRIX is a professional multi-effect sequencer that has completely changed the way modern music is created. Simply put, by painting the sequencer with colored blocks, your tracks turn into fireworks. Loop, scratch, reverse and stretch in real time and on the fly.


FACTORY Modular synthesizer for complex and organic sounds. Choose one of the most specific synthesis methods, let yourself be enchanted by the matrix and transform between the most incredible variations of your sound. Four sequencers pull the strings behind the curtain. Factory of polyphonic supersonics!


GUITARIST is a virtual guitar designed to simulate the rhythm parts of an electric guitar. A real guitarist has been transformed into a step sequencer system with a huge level of customization when it comes to chords or fingerings, as well as detailed control over authentic nuances and expression.


TURNADO comes with 8 knobs, each of which triggers an effect and changes it with a dial. It invites you to play and experiment with one or more effects. Customize 24 effects in expert mode. If you want it to be even more compact: in dictator mode, you can control all 8 effects at the same time with a single fader.


UNIQUE specializes in cutting-edge vowel sounds and the powerful analog sounds of the Golden Age of synthesizers. Her punchy sound should not be missing from any VST folder.




累计签到:1 天
连续签到:1 天
发表于 2023-1-7 17:01:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国河北唐山


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