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容量: | 119M |
微信公众号输入命令: | 请在微信公众号中输入前面红色字体命令获取提取码等内容,这里没有内容就表示不需要 |
公众号回复内容: | 隐藏内容 查看操作方法 |
下载方式: | 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Native Instruments Battery is a professional drum sampler. The widespread use of this sampler is made possible by low system resource requirements, ease of use and compatibility with a huge number of sample formats. The highlight of Battery is the matrix, the dimension of which can be changed by the user depending on the number of loaded samples (up to 128 cells). Thanks to the color coding of cells, the possibility of multiple selection, customization of rows and columns of the matrix, it became even faster and more convenient for the user to work with the contents and parameters of the cells. The properties of the Battery cells have been supplemented with such parameters as articulation, humanization. The samples of each cell can be adjusted for length / speed (Time Expand / Compress).
Native Instruments Battery是一款专业的滚筒取样器。该采样器的广泛使用是由于系统资源需求低、易于使用以及与大量样本格式兼容。电池的亮点是矩阵,其尺寸可由用户根据加载样本的数量(最多128个电池)进行更改。由于单元格的颜色编码、多重选择的可能性、矩阵行和列的自定义,用户使用单元格的内容和参数变得更快、更方便。电池单元的特性补充了诸如清晰度、人性化等参数。每个单元的样本可以调整长度/速度(时间扩展/压缩)。
Factory Library: The BATTERY 4 Library focuses on electronics and hip-hop manufacturing, featuring 70 brand new contemporary sets. All 143 kits are loaded instantly. Find your drum sound, drag it into the slot, and start playing – the ultra-intuitive tagging system lets you quickly find the sounds you’re looking for. BATTERY 4 is compatible with your samples, whether you use factory sounds or create your own. It even remembers the history for each cell separately – you can immediately see the path that led you to each sound, even after working with other cells.
工厂图书馆:BATTERY 4图书馆专注于电子和嘻哈制造业,拥有70套全新的当代套装。所有143个套件立即加载。找到你的鼓声,将它拖到槽中,然后开始播放–超直观的标签系统可以让你快速找到你想要的声音。电池4与您的样品兼容,无论您是使用出厂声音还是创建自己的声音。它甚至可以分别记住每个单元的历史记录–即使在使用其他单元后,您也可以立即看到指向每个声音的路径。
Since the second VR release of this version of the tool turned out to be unsuccessful again, you have to do something.
After installing the tool, the parameter values ​​are incorrectly entered in 2 places, and even different ones. We fix it.
Method 1:
Install, from I.A. run kijen NativeInstruments_Keygen.exe, select a product, click on the Register button
安装,从I.A.运行kijen NativeInstruments_Keygen.exe,选择产品,单击注册按钮
This will add the correct values ​​to the SNO, KEY, SYSTEMID parameters (in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Native Instruments \ Battery 4)
这将添加正确的值​​至SNO、KEY、SYSTEMID参数(在HKEY\U LOCAL\U MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Native Instruments\Battery 4中)
Start the registry editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHE \ N SOFTWARments \ Battery 4
启动注册表编辑器,转到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHE\N SOFTWARments\Battery 4
Delete the SNO, KEY, SYSTEMID parameters (made by the installation from VR)
Method 2:
Install, from I.A. run kijen NativeInstruments_Keygen.exe, select a product, click the Register button
安装,从I.A.运行kijen NativeInstruments_Keygen.exe,选择产品,单击注册按钮
Run the registry editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ WOW6432Node \ Native Instruments \ Battery 4
运行注册表编辑器,转到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Native Instruments\Battery 4
Copy the values ​​of the SNO, KEY, SYSTEMID parameters
and replace them with the SNO, KEY, SYSTEMID parameters located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Native Instruments \ Battery 4
并将其替换为HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Battery 4中的SNO、KEY、SYSTEMID参数
Powerful and comprehensive drum sampler based on the next generation sample engine.
Improved interface and increased usability, fast and intuitive access to all parameters. The package includes 8 video tutorials with step-by-step instructions.
Fully customizable matrix of cells: freely definable number of rows and columns, up to 128 cells for loading drum sounds.
Improved effects at the level of individual cells and a new section of master effects.
Nuance functions: roll, flam, buzz, right hand, etc.
Import of loops (loops) in formats Apple Loops ™, REX ™, Acid Wave ™ and Beat Creator ™.
以Apple loops格式导入循环(循环)™, 雷克斯™, 酸浪™ 打败造物主™.
Function of compression / expansion in time for each cell, opening up creative possibilities when manipulating samples.
Editing samples on the fly.
Minimum load on system memory thanks to the Sample Purge function.
