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RC24/48 是一个伟大的声音塑造工具,洗出的音樂背景金属质感,超凡脱俗充满活力的声音,两个在历史上頗最令人垂涎的混响单元。
Native.Instruments & Softube 携手精心铸造的经典混响,混响效果非常漂亮。使用简单
REVERB CLASSICS deliver the lush, dynamic sound of two of the most coveted reverb units in history – powerful additions to any production toolbox. The REVERB CLASSICS faithfully recreate two renowned hall reverbs that have shaped the sound of music since the 1980s. Brought to life by Softube, the RC 24 and RC 48 have a lush, harmonic character that gives every mix stunning dimension. The RC 24 is inspired by one of the first digital studio reverbs to gain wide popularity in recording studios around the world. Featuring Large Hall, Small Hall, and Room reverb algorithms, the distinctive sound of 12-bit A/D converters provides a unique quality that cuts through dense mixes with a unique presence. The RC 24 is equally useful on acoustic and electronic sounds for adding rich dimension, texture, and space while still preserving the original harmonics of a sound. Pushed to extreme settings, it can be used as a creative sound design tool, transforming relatively simple sounds into metallic percussive textures, dense, drone-like pads, or anything in between…
The RC 48 delivers two hall algorithms inspired by a classic studio reverb heard on numerous gold and platinum recordings, as well as game, TV, and film soundtracks. The RC 48 delivers lush, musical reverb renowned for the depth it gives to vocals and acoustic instruments. A wide variety of versatile textures can be achieved through adjusting the Diffusion and Spread controls, while an additional Effect option on the Size fader allows users to create interesting new modulation effects. The Random Hall algorithm also features Spin and Wander controls, providing random movement with lively, natural tails.
混响经典提供郁郁葱葱的,动态的声音的两个最令人垂涎的混响单元在历史–强大的增加任何生产工具箱。混响经典忠实再现的两个著名的大堂混响,音乐的声音自上世纪80年代。给生活带来由Softube,24的RC RC 48有一个郁郁葱葱的谐波特性,给每一个组合的尺寸。RC 24是由第一个数字演播室的混响的启发,在录音棚在全世界得到广泛的普及。配备大厅,小厅,和房间混响算法,12位的A / D转换器提供了一种穿过茂密的混合着一种独特的存在独特的质量,独特的声音。24的RC添加丰富的尺寸,纹理是同样有用的声学与电子声音和空间,同时仍然保持良好的原始谐波。推到极端的设置,它可以作为一个创造性的声音设计工具,转换声音成相对简单的金属撞击的纹理,致密,无人机像垫,或任何关系…
RC 48提供两个霍尔算法的灵感来自一个经典的工作室混响在无数的黄金和白金录音中听到,以及游戏,电视,和电影配乐。RC 48提供了丰美,著名音乐混响给人声和乐器声的深度。多才多艺的质地多种多样可通过调节扩散和蔓延的控件来实现的,而在尺寸推子额外的效果选项允许用户创建有趣的新的调制作用。随机算法还具有自旋霍尔和漂移的控制,提供随机运动活泼,自然的尾巴。

安装教程:Native Instruments RC 24 & RC 48混响效果器的安装与汉化