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[EZdrummer主程序及采样] Toontrack Metal! EZX v1.5.4金属鼓包



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-6-6 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞


1.09 GB

What happens when you put a massive, all-new drum recording in the hands of three of the most in demand producers in modern metal, let them bring it to their own studio environments and equip them with an unparalleled set of audio shaping tools? You not only get a collection of nine custom drum kits – you get a rampant battery armed for complete audio destruction. A nine-headed behemoth that leaves nothing but rubble behind. Nothing.


The Metal! EZX is based on a new drum recording engineered by Daniel Bergstrand in Norway’s highly unique Tanken Studio. The raw material was then individually remixed by Mark Lewis, Jason Suecof and Daniel Bergstrand himself into nine drum kits tailor-made for metal. Between them, these three producers have worked with some of modern metal’s most influential acts as well as those pioneering today’s multifaceted scene: Meshuggah, In Flames, Trivium, Whitechapel, DevilDriver, The Black Dahlia Murder, God Forbid and Dimmu Borgir, to name a few. The Metal! EZX also comes with a versatile collection of grooves and fills performed by Soilwork and metal drummer extraordinaire Dirk Verbeuren.

金属!EZX是基于一个新的鼓录音由丹尼尔伯格斯特兰在挪威的非常独特的坦肯工作室设计。这些原材料由马克·刘易斯、杰森·苏科夫和丹尼尔·伯格斯特朗自己分别混合成九个为金属量身打造的鼓包。在他们中间,这三位制作人与一些现代金属最有影响力的行为,以及那些开创了今天的多方面的场景:Meshuggah,In Flames,Trivium,Whitechapel,DevilDriver,The Black Dahlia谋杀案,God Forbird和Dimmu Borgir,举几个例子。金属!EZX还配备了由土工和金属鼓手德克·韦伯伦(Dirk Verbeuren)表演的多功能凹槽和填充物。

Sometimes the word metal just isn’t enough, it needs an exclamation mark!


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