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[EZdrummer主程序及采样] Toontrack Rock! EZX v1.5.3配备了八个定制鼓包音源



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-6-25 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

EZX声音扩展-1,13 GB

Take Neil Dorfsman, a Grammy Award-winning engineer with four decades worth of experience and credits on some of the best selling rock records ever made, give him full access to drums recorded in the most renowned studios in the world and the freedom to blend, mix and match samples collected during his entire recording career, all in order to design the ultimate collection of rock drums. The end result you get is a jaw-dropping selection of completely unique kits unlike anything you have ever heard – hybrids of mixed and custom made drum sets, tailored for any kind of rock.

以尼尔·多夫斯曼(Neil Dorfsman)为例,他是格莱美奖获奖工程师,拥有40年的工作经验,在一些有史以来最畅销的摇滚乐唱片上拥有丰富的功劳,他可以充分接触到世界上最著名的唱片公司录制的鼓,也可以自由地混合、混合和匹配在他整个录音生涯中收集的样品,所有这些都是为了设计终极收藏的摇滚鼓。最终的结果是你得到的是一个令人瞠目结舌的选择完全独特的工具包不同于任何你听过-混合和定制鼓套,为任何类型的岩石定制。

The Rock! EZX comes with eight custom drum kits based on selections from the near infinite Toontrack sound vaults, featuring rare and vintage drums recorded over the past decade in renowned studios like New York’s Allaire Studios, Blackbird Studios in Nashville and 2 Khz Studios in London. All sounds were handpicked and re-mixed through various outboard chains as well as layered with engineer Neil Dorfsman’s (Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, Dire Straits) personal collection of samples.

石头!EZX配备了八个定制鼓包,这些鼓包是根据近乎无限的Toontrack音库中的选择制作的,包括过去十年在纽约的Allaire工作室、纳什维尔的Blackbird工作室和伦敦的2 Khz工作室等著名工作室录制的稀有和复古鼓。所有的声音都经过手工挑选,并通过各种舷外链重新混合,同时与工程师尼尔·多夫斯曼(布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀、鲍勃·迪伦、德雷斯特海峡)个人收集的样本进行分层。

The Rock! EZX gives you four decades of engineering experience boiled down to eight tailor-made kits spanning the whole range of rock – from ambient to dry, vintage to modern.


This is the next step in the evolution of metal drum production tools.





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