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[EZdrummer主程序及采样] Toontrack Kicks & Snares EZX v1.0.0专业鼓音源



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-6-26 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
EZX Sound Expansion - 3,01 GB

EZX声音扩展-3,01 GB

Regardless of genre or style, arguably any engineer would agree: the kick and the snare are irrevocably the two biggest focal points of not only the rhythm section but also the entire mix. The Kicks & Snares EZX zooms in on delivering exactly that: kicks and snares. An overwhelming amount of them, we might add – in total 74 multi-sampled and never-before-released instruments recorded in eight different top studios in Australia and the UK. Factoring in the wide range of alternative tunings and recorded configurations, you’ll have around 130 unique kick and snare voices at your disposal. What differentiates this EZX even more from earlier ones is that each kick and snare position has four extra channels featuring individually processed versions: ‘Sub,’ ‘Skin Lo,’ ‘Skin Hi’ and ‘Club/Stick.’ This will enable you to infinitely tweak and find your personal blends for each instrument.

无论是哪种类型或风格,可以说任何一个工程师都会同意:踢腿和圈套是不可撤销的两大焦点,不仅是节奏部分,而且是整个组合。在踢和圈套EZX放大提供准确的:踢和圈套。我们可以加上数量庞大的乐器——在澳大利亚和英国的8家顶级工作室中,总共有74件多次取样、从未发行过的乐器。考虑到各种不同的调音和录音配置,您将拥有约130种独特的踢踏声和圈套声供您使用。与早期的EZX相比,这款EZX更加与众不同的是,每个踢腿和圈套位置都有四个额外的通道,分别处理版本:“Sub”、“Skin Lo”、“Skin Hi”和“Club/Stick”。这将使您能够无限地调整和找到每种乐器的个人混合。

In addition, the Kicks & Snares EZX comes with close to 100 unique kit presets covering anything from traditional/organic mixes to those involving elaborate sound design. Also, one set of toms, two crashes, one ride and one set of hi-hats are included for easy kit construction.

此外,Kicks&Snares EZX还配备了近100个独特的套件预设,涵盖了从传统/有机混音到那些涉及精心设计的声音设计的任何内容。此外,一套汤姆,两个撞车,一个骑和一套hi帽子都包括为方便工具包建设。

Combined, this all makes this EZX a veritable monster of sound for broad use in anything from custom kit creation and sound replacement to acoustic/organic, modern pop, hip-hop, ambient and electronic. EZdrummer 2 owner? Welcome to a mind-blowing toolbox of mix-ready kits and instruments. Superior Drummer 3 user? Revel in a near infinite palette of options that opens up for limitless sound design.

综合起来,这一切使得这个EZX是一个名副其实的声音怪物,广泛用于从定制套件的创建和声音更换声学/有机,现代流行音乐,嘻哈,环境和电子。EZdrummer 2所有者?欢迎来到一个令人兴奋的工具箱混合准备工具包和仪器。高级鼓手3用户?陶醉在一个近乎无限的选项,打开无限的声音设计调色板。

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