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[鼓包/鼓合成器] Toontrack Reggae EZX v1.0.2鼓生产工具



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2021-3-11 08:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

EZX Sound Expansion | FULL - 972 MB

EZX声音扩展|完整-972 MB

Arguably more so than in any genre, the rhythm section is the heart and soul of reggae. Coherently it forcefully pushes the music forward, always with the characteristic, steady beat of the drums at the very forefront.


The Reggae EZX takes the traditional sound and recording techniques of reggae drums and puts it in the powerful framework of today’s most intuitive tool for drum production, EZdrummer 2.

雷鬼EZX采取雷鬼鼓传统的声音和录音技术,并把它放在今天的最直观的鼓生产工具,EZdrummer 2强大的框架。

The Reggae EZX was recorded at Rub-a-Dub Studios in Stockholm, Sweden and comes with a unique and genuine collection of instruments, all handpicked for this session. It includes two full, single-headed custom drum kits, a generous selection of snares, percussion and traditional Binghi and clay hand drums.


Everything was recorded using vintage gear and microphones, the custom miking techniques of the genre and through a 1970s Soundcraft Series II console. All this coupled with the studio’s dense, organic wood-lined walls, its tight space and three decades worth of reggae history will give you unrivaled authenticity in drums for roots oriented music. Saturated, warm and rich tones that will fall seamlessly into any track you’re working on.





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