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[变调/定调] 高音修复/变调4 Band Shifter4.5



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2012-2-18 16:48:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
4 Band Shifter is a VST Plugin that is able to scale (shift) independently the pitch of 4 adjacent, user-definable frequency bands.

  • Pitch knobs
Each one of the pitch knobs controls the amount of pitch shift of the correspondent band (i.e. first knob controls pitch shift of Band 1, an so on). Shift range goes from -12 semitones, or an octave down, to +12 semitones, or an octave up. Value of knobs is reflected on LCD graphic rapresentation - brighter band colors represent a positive shift in pitch, darker colors a negative one. Behaviour of pitch knobs is affected by the state of the discrete mode button (see below)
  • Volume knobs
Simple volume multipliers for each one of the bands. A value of 0 mutes the corresponding band, a value of 1 makes it sound full-volume, any value between the two lowers band amplitude proportionally. Changes of these parameters reflect in a change of height of band representation in display.
  • LCD Display
It gives graphic information about the plugin parameters: each band is represented by a rectangle, whose width represents the band frequency width (left side represents band starting point, right side represents band end point), whose height represents amplitude multiplier set in volume knobs and whose fill color represents the amount of positive (brighter) or negative (darker) pitch - shifting

  • Band Endpoint knobs
These 4 knobs set the end point of the correspondent band: First band starts always at 0 Hz, and ends at band 1 knob value in Hz. Accordingly, band 2 starts at band 1 knob value, and ends at band 2 knob value etc. Upper bound for band end points is 20Khz.
  • Discrete/Continuous switch
When this button is turned on (bright red LED color), pitch shifting behaves "discretely", that is you can shift up or down the pitch only by multiples of one semitone in the range ±12.
When it is turned off, knobs behave in a continuos way, meaning that you can shift up or down by fractions of semitone, obtaining a "slide" effect on pitch change.



发表于 2021-3-21 17:28:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国辽宁鞍山



发表于 2020-1-6 03:56:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国江苏


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