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Pulsar Echorec是对意大利品牌Binson在20世纪60年代生产的同名标志性回声/延迟装置的软件仿真。这种磁盘延迟的声音不同于当时使用的磁带延迟,并在很大程度上促成了许多70年代乐队的音频特征:Pink Floyd、The Shadows、Jimmy Page等。
The Pulsar Echorec is a software emulation of the iconic echo/delay unit of the same name produced by the Italian brand Binson in the 1960s. The sound of this magnetic disk delay differs from the tape delays used at the time, and has largely contributed to the audio signature of many 70s bands: Pink Floyd, The Shadows, Jimmy Page etc.
Vintage Echorec devices are known for their saturation, self-oscillation, and oversound, all shaping the music produced in the 70s. They are also, however, known to be fragile and difficult to maintain.
The Pulsar Echorec plugin gives you a faithful emulation of this legendary echo unit; furthermore, many workflow improvements have been added to the original, such as the ability to change the motor speed (and so the delay time) in real time or to sync it to any tempo, including a tapped tempo.
Pulsar Echorec插件为您提供了这一传奇回声单元的忠实仿真;此外,许多工作流改进已添加到原始版本中,例如能够实时更改电机速度(以及延迟时间),或将其同步到任何速度,包括轻拍速度。
Three different units, in different conditions, have also been precisely modeled, to have all sounds from the cleanest magnetic delay, to the most grunge. These additions and the signature sound of the Binson Echorec 2 make this echo a must-have tool for any mixer who wants to add the subtle analog life, which is sorely lacking in digital delay plugins.
三个不同的单元,在不同的条件下,也被精确地建模,以获得从最干净的磁延迟到最低沉的声音。这些添加和Binson Echorec 2的标志性声音使这款echo成为任何想要添加微妙模拟生活的混音器的必备工具,而数字延迟插件则严重缺乏这种工具。
