![[音乐笑话开心一刻] 粉丝数:1425 微博数:9379 新浪微博达人勋](source/plugin/sina_login/img/light.png)
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Ever since the low pass gate was invented by Don Buchla for his 200 series instruments in the early 1970s, low pass gates have been heralded for their ability to add a lifelike and organic response to modular synth patches. They work by applying an envelope to a low pass filter with its 0-voltage cutoff frequency way below audible range, so when the envelope is down, the ‘gate’ is closed. As a note decays, its high frequencies die soonest – just like most acoustic sounds.
自从20世纪70年代初Don Buchla为他的200系列仪器发明了低通门以来,低通门就一直以其向模块化synth补丁程序添加逼真和有机响应的能力而闻名。他们的工作原理是将一个包络线应用于一个低通滤波器,其0电压截止频率远低于可听见的范围,因此当包络线下降时,“门”关闭。当一个音符衰变时,它的高频很快就会消失——就像大多数声学声音一样。
- Publisher: Softube
- Product: Doepfer A-101-2 Vactrol LPG
- Version: 2.5.9-R2R
- Formats: VST, VST3, AAX
- Requirements: Windows 64-bit, versions 7, 8 or 10