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It’s time to take control of time itself, with the Doepfer A-188-1 Bucket Brigade Device for Softube Modular. Our officially licensed software version of the BBD module represented a new challenge in terms of component by component analog modeling, and the results were worth the effort.
是时候控制时间本身了,Doepfer A-188-1铲斗旅装置用于Softube模块化。我们正式授权的BBD模块软件版本代表了一个新的挑战,即组件对组件的模拟建模,结果是值得努力的。
- Publisher: Softube
- Product: Doepfer A-188-1 BBD
- Version: 2.5.9-R2R
- Formats: VST, VST3, AAX
- Requirements: Windows 64-bit, versions 7, 8 or 10