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这款数字混响效果器还不错,不过之前的版本一直都 比较耗系统资源,不知道现在新的2.1.15版这方面 是否有改善,大家使用后可留言。
BREVERB 2 Emulates the analog output section of the hardware unit, making BREVERB 2 truer to the sound of the originals.
BREVERB 2模拟硬件单元的模拟输出部分,使BREVERB 2更真实地反映原始声音。
With BREVERB 2 you have the sound of more than 50 new ambient spaces at your fingertips. All ambience settings have been carefully crafted by Overloud engineers who referenced the preferred room and ambience choices of top sound designers. They cover a wide range of applications from mixing to post-production, and many of them are optimized for a particular instrument, from drums to vocals to guitars etc. Don't waste time flipping through dozens of different reverb plug-ins, looking for the right room sound. With BREVERB 2 you can find it in one click, with no compromises in sound quality.
使用BREVERB 2,您可以在指尖听到50多个新环境空间的声音。所有的环境设置都是由Overlud的工程师精心制作的,他们参考了顶级声音设计师的首选房间和环境选择。它们涵盖了从混音到后期制作的广泛应用,其中许多都是针对特定乐器进行优化的,从鼓到人声再到吉他等。不要浪费时间翻阅几十个不同的混响插件,寻找合适的房间声音。使用BREVERB 2,您可以一键找到它,音质不会有任何妥协。
Lexi algorithms
Designed to recreate the tone of the most famous units of the '80s and '90s, like the Lexicon 224* and the Lexicon 480*, you have the full control of every parameter available on the original unit. BREVERB 2 also reproduces the response of the A/D and D/A sections of the original units, which are an essential part of their tone. In addition, the EQ and the GATE sections extend the sound capabilities, going beyond what was possible with the original processors.
旨在重现80年代和90年代最著名的单元的色调,如Lexicon 224*和Lexicon 480*,您可以完全控制原始单元上的每个可用参数。BREVERB 2还再现了原始单元的A/D和D/A部分的响应,这是它们音调的重要组成部分。此外,EQ和GATE部分扩展了声音功能,超出了原始处理器的可能范围。
Two SPACES algorithms
SPACES algorithms are designed to meet the extremely high demands of audio professionals like you; today, as well as tomorrow. Created to complete the BREVERB palette, the SPACES algorithms are tailored to the mixing needs of any modern recordings. You are free to control up to 38 parameters to create your own unique room sound. Or, if you are on a tight deadline, you can use our comprehensive library of presets, designed by top-notch sound engineers.
SOURCE algorithm
BREVERB 2 features a new SOURCE reverb algorithm. With a simple click on the graphic interface you can set the 3D position of your sound sources and create life-like panoramas in your mix. The SOURCE algorithm is the ideal tool for post-production. You can separately design the early reflections and reverberant field, with full control over any parameter. Through automation you can have real-time control of the position of the sound source and create apparent movement of the sound sources.
