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[放大器/激励器] Mercuriall Tube Amp Ultra 530 v1.1 WiN电子管放大器



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发表于 2018-5-11 23:50:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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基于广受欢迎的录音室preamp ENGL E530,采用了广泛的音色。在此基础上,您可以定制强大的高增益的声音,明亮的嘎吱和水晶清洁的音调。我们希望许多音乐家在其武器库中使用U530。
没有波形,也没有EQ。我们只对最现实的仿真用非线性微分方程的干净解。Tube Amp Ultra 530 (U530)是E530前置放大器的全电路仿真。此外,U530还有其他特性。312ax7双三极管模型的仿真。从老的RCA三极管到新的RSD。允许处理样品在44.1 48 88.2 96 Khz。两个计算引擎做同样的事情,但方式不同。基于使用人工神经网络的快速计算引擎近似非线性解非线性微分方程。精确计算引擎-在电路模拟中,非线性微分方程的实时解。
4通道,干净,压紧,软铅,重铅,3带式EQ for Clean/Crunch, 4波段EQ for Soft/Heavy Lead,单独的频道卷,preamp击败开关,明亮开关,轮廓开关。a管放大器,基于pentode 6V6的反馈环和存在控制。Poweramp部分考虑了柜体谐振特性。如果柜体模拟关闭,poweramp部分将运行在中性模式下,使您有可能使用自己的脉冲响应,并使用poweramp管的颜色。清洁和引导通道的附加模式o clean Boost增加输入信号级别两次,用于清洁低模式,以更好地预热管级。E430将引导通道tonestack转到E430地板前置放大器的tonestack。立体的合唱对立体声的加宽增加了更多的个性到干净的声音。所有部分都可以分别关闭。它为您提供了可能的插件链,并在U530处理管道内插入另一个插件。

Mercuriall Tube Amp Ultra 530 v1.1 WiN | 33 Mb

Tube Amp Ultra 530 VST/AU/AAX plug-in (briefly U530) based on the popular sound studio preamp ENGL E530, having a wide range of tone. On this basis, you can customize the sound of the powerful hi-gain to bright crunch and crystal clean tone. We hope that many musicians will use U530 in its arsenal.
No waveshapers, and EQ. We use only clean solution of nonlinear differential equations for the most realistic simulation. Tube Amp Ultra 530 (U530) is full circuit simulation of E530 preamp. Furthermore, the U530 has additional features. Simulation of three 12ax7 dual triode models. From old RCA triode to fresh RSD. Allowed processing samplerates at 44.1 48 88.2 96 Khz. Two computing engines make same things but in different way. Fast computing engine based on usage Artificial Neural Networks to approximate nonlinearity of solution nonlinear differential equations. Precision computing engine - for just-in-time solution of nonlinear differential equation at circuit simulation.
4 channels, Clean, Crunch, Soft Lead, Heavy Lead, 3 band EQ for Clean/Crunch, 4 band EQ for Soft/Heavy Lead, separate channel volumes, preamp defeat switch, Bright switch, Contour switch. Class-A Tube Amplifier based on pentode 6V6 with feedback loop and Presence control. Poweramp section take into account cabinet resonance properties. If Cabinet simulation switched off, poweramp section operates in neutral mode witch make you possibilities to use your own impulse responses captured with coloring of poweramp tubes. Additional modes for clean and lead channels: Lo Clean Boost increase input signal level twice for Clean Low mode to better warm up tube stages. E430 turn Lead channel tonestack to tonestack of E430 floor preamp. Stereo chorus for stereo widening adds more character to the clean sound. All sections can be switched off separately. It provide you possibility make plugin chain and insert another plug-in inside U530 processing pipeline.

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