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[吉它效果器] Mercuriall Spark v1.1.1 WiN 吉他放大器



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发表于 2018-5-11 23:47:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞
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我们已经大大改进了内阁部门。除了麦克风的平滑定位之外,我们还添加了一个混合两个麦克风的选项。这让你可以找到几乎任何想要的声音。你可以使用四辆出租车和三部麦克风。尽管Spark是一个amp和cab sim卡,但我们对FX部分给予了很多关注。在输入端有一个噪声门,也有一些踏板:目前有四个超速驱动,用我们的专有技术进行了电动链建模。至于空间效果- 1E37A51FF9EE有合唱,延迟和混响。Spark的UI继续我们的简单易用性的方法,不需要花费大量的功能。所有主要操作只需单击一次即可。我们非常关注设计,它通过了许多调整和改进的迭代,为您提供了一个非常简单和实用的解决方案。

Mercuriall Spark v1.1.1 WiN | 166 Mb

Spark is a VST/AU/AAX plugin that models four Marshall tube amplifiers, four guitar cabinets, four overdrive pedals and a set of the most common spatial effects. Spark is the realization of all our latest achievements in the field of real-time electric circuits modeling. First of all, it’s a tube push-pull power amplifier that is working with a reactive load (guitar cabinet), with negative feedback and electric feed chains. This allowed us to implement a truly realistic poweramp saturation (very important for the majority of the Marshall®-based amps), realistic work of the Presence knob and made possible to take into account the influence of the output and power transformers.
We have considerably improved the cabinet section. Apart from the smooth positioning of microphones, we added an option to mix sound of two mics. This allows you to find pretty much any desired sound. There are four cabs and three microphones at your disposal. Despite the fact that Spark is an amp and cab sim above all, we gave a lot of attention to the FX section. There is a Noise Gate at the input, as well as a number of pedals: there are currently four overdrives, implemented with our proprietary technology of the electric chain modeling. As for the spatial effects - 1E37A51FF9EE there are Chorus, Delay and Reverb. Spark’s UI continues our approach of simple usability at no expense to a wide functionality. All main actions require just a single click. We pay a lot of attention to the design, that passes a lot of iterations of adjustments and improvements, offering you a very simple and functional solution.

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