Voxengo CurveEQ 3. x (Win/Mac) | 7/27 MB
Team R2R 团队R2R
CurveEQ is a spline equalizer AU and VST plugin for professional music and audio production applications. CurveEQ shows you the actual filter response you are designing by means of a spline (a smooth curvy line) plus it shows the spectrum, so you can readily see what the EQ is doing with the sound. This, in turn, allows you to get the best from your mix and your tracks. CurveEQ perfectly suits the needs of mastering. CurveEQ是花键均衡器盟和威仕特专业音乐和音频生产应用程序的插件。CurveEQ显示你实际的滤波器响应设计通过花键(平滑弯曲线)+显示频谱,所以你可以很容易地看到情商是做什么声音。反过来,这可以让你得到最好的从你的混合和痕迹。CurveEQ完全适合的需要掌握。
Additionally, CurveEQ implements spectrum matching technology that allows you to transfer spectrum’s shape of one recording to another. In other words, this allows you to “copy” frequency balance of existing time-proven mixes so that other mixes that are still in the works may have a chance to sound better. This technology also greatly helps in music mastering since it easily lessens any dramatic differences in the area of frequency balance between various tracks. 此外,CurveEQ实现光谱匹配技术,允许您将光谱形状的一个记录到另一个。换句话说,这允许您“复制”频率平衡现有的久经考验的混合,这样其他混合仍在工作可能有机会听起来更好。这种技术也大大有助于音乐容易掌握,因为它减少任何戏剧性的差异在不同跟踪频率之间的平衡。
CurveEQ’s filters can be switched between linear- and minimum-phase modes. CurveEQ also features a deeply-customizable spectrum analyzer like the one found in Voxengo GlissEQ and SPAN plugins. You can also display, save and load static spectrum plots for comparison and matching purposes. CurveEQ的过滤器可以切换线性-和最小相位模式。CurveEQ还有一个deeply-customizable频谱分析仪中发现的Voxengo GlissEQ和跨度插件。你也可以显示,保存和加载静态频谱图进行比较和匹配的目的。
