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WIN格式: | VST VST3 RTAS AAX WIN(32位) WIN(64位) |
MAC格式: | VST3 AAX AU |
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其它系统格式: | 问题投诉 |
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容量: | 30M |
微信公众号输入命令: | 请在微信公众号中输入前面红色字体命令获取提取码等内容,这里没有内容就表示不需要 |
公众号回复内容: | 隐藏内容 查看操作方法 |
下载方式: | 网盘下载 当前帖子ID:
关注公众号 | vstivip  |
Melodyne is a software application for OS X or Windows with which you can edit audio in a more musical way than was ever thought possible. In Melodyne, you work with notes – and not with a meaningless wave form. You don’t just see where the music gets louder or quieter but also where notes begin and end and at what pitch they lie.
You can modify each note and thereby influence directly the intonation, phrasing and dynamics – and do this not only with vocals and monophonic instruments but with polyphonic instruments such as pianos and guitars as well. Working with Melodyne is like being able to say to a vocalist “sing this note a bit longer” or to a pianist “give slightly less weight to the third in this chord” – hours, weeks, even years after the recording session.
Melodyne 4 studio
Melodyne 4工作室
The complete Melodyne. Melodyne 4 studio offers you all Melodyne functions for both correction and creative applications on an unlimited number of tracks. You can edit the sound and musical content of your recordings in such an intuitive manner or make such far-reaching changes with no other audio tool.
完整的旋律。Melodyne 4 studio为您提供所有的Melodyne功能,用于无限数量的音轨上的校正和创意应用程序。您可以以这样直观的方式编辑录音的声音和音乐内容,或者在没有其他音频工具的情况下进行如此深远的更改。
New technologies and a new degree of freedom for the entire Melodyne family. Celemony is releasing Version 4 of its legendary audio software Melodyne. This constitutes the most extensive update to the entire product family in the company’s history, with the emphasis on Melodyne 4 studio.
新技术和新的自由度为整个梅洛迪恩家庭。Celemony正在发布其传奇音频软件Melodyne的第4版。这是公司历史上对整个产品系列最广泛的更新,重点是Melodyne 4 studio。
Highlights include the Sound Editor with its totally new sound design possibilities, DNA Direct Note Access – at last, on an unlimited number of tracks – and ultra-accurate tempo detection. Furthermore, Melodyne 4 studio now also runs directly as a plug-in within your DAW – also, naturally, in 64-bit resolution. The smaller Melodyne editions – editor, assistant and essential – have also been enhanced.
亮点包括声音编辑器及其全新的声音设计的可能性,DNA直接笔记访问-最后,在无限数量的轨道-和超精确的节奏检测。此外,Melodyne 4 studio现在还可以直接作为DAW中的插件运行—当然,也是64位分辨率。较小的Melodyne版本——编辑、助理和essential——也得到了增强。
Platform: WiN32/64 - EXE/VST/VST3/RTAS/AAX(MODiFiED)
