Typically, mastering equalisers are purely focused on the process of equalization, but PSP MasterQ2 VST crack is not merely a masteringEQ; the “Q” stands for “Quality.” We designed PSP MasterQ2 crack to be a creative tool for mixing and mastering or wherever its features and quality are needed.
通常情况下,主控均衡器只关注均衡过程,但PSP MasterQ2 VST crack不仅仅是主控均衡器;“Q”代表“质量”。我们设计的PSP MasterQ2 crack是一个创造性的工具,用于混合和掌握或任何需要其特性和质量的地方。
PSP MasterQ2 VST crack can operate at sampling rates ranging from 44.1kHz all the way up to 768kHz. It offers seven different filters: 12, 24, and 36 dB/oct low cut and high cut filters; low shelf and high shelf filters which can be switched to peaking filters; and low-mid, middle and high-mid peaking filters – all with adjustable frequency and Q over a wide range.
PSP MasterQ2 VST裂纹可在44.1kHz至768kHz的采样率范围内工作。它提供七种不同的滤波器:12、24和36 dB/oct低截止和高截止滤波器;低架和高架过滤器,可切换至峰值过滤器;以及低-中、中、高-中峰值滤波器–所有这些滤波器的频率和Q值均可在宽范围内调节。
The EQ graph displays an overview of the EQ curve, as well as the individual characteristics of each filter. In addition to its powerful filters, PSP MasterQ2 crack also offers you a selection of limiting and “soft-clipping” algorithms to help you shape your signal and keep it from digitally peaking.
EQ图显示EQ曲线的概览,以及每个过滤器的各个特性。除了强大的滤波器外,PSP MasterQ2 crack还为您提供了一系列限制和“软剪裁”算法,帮助您塑造信号形状,防止信号出现数字峰值。
Cracked PSP MasterQ2 employs astoundingly precise 80-bit extended floating point computations in all filters to deal with any accumulation errors. It also allows for optimal filter operation at even the lowest frequencies with high gain and Q factor settings.
破解的PSP MasterQ2在所有滤波器中采用了令人惊讶的精确80位扩展浮点计算来处理任何累积错误。它还允许在具有高增益和Q因子设置的最低频率下进行最佳滤波器操作。
PSP MasterQ2 keygen also makes use of our our proprietary Frequency Authentication Technique algorithm. “FAT” is a double sampling technique which allows for proper filter operation at the highest frequencies. This mode utilizes high order linear filters to prevent phase errors and linear errors from the audio bandwidth caused by double order sampling. This technique results in double sampling without any sample rate conversion artifacts.
PSP MasterQ2 keygen还利用了我们专有的频率认证技术算法。“FAT”是一种双采样技术,允许在最高频率下进行适当的滤波操作。该模式利用高阶线性滤波器来防止双阶采样引起的音频带宽相位误差和线性误差。这种技术导致双重采样,没有任何采样率转换伪影。
We’d love you to experience it for yourself – it has to be heard to believe! Use it as a precise, surgical EQ for mastering or a color processor for sound design and mixing. Once you try it, you’ll understand what a creative sound shaping tool PSP MasterQ2 VST crack can be.
