patifier is a “mono to stereo” spatial enhancer AU and VST plugin for professional sound and music production applications. This plugin can be effectively used to turn mono tracks into spatially-enhanced stereo tracks: it works great for clean and distorted guitars, synth instruments, piano, organ, back vocals and other sounds. Beside that Spatifier can be used to “densify” the sound of reverb sends, and to add “body” to thin and flat sounds. patifier是一个“单一到立体空间增强Au和VST插件专业音响和音乐制作中的应用。这个插件可以有效地把单轨道到空间增强立体声音轨:它的伟大工程的清洁和扭曲的吉他,合成器乐器,钢琴,风琴,回来的声音和其他声音。此外spatifier可以用来“加密”的混响的声音发出,并添加“身体”的扁平的声音。 Spatifier decorrelates the signal in the left and right channels while retaining the “mono compatibility”. Such decorrelation creates the “as wide as possible” surround effect. This effect can be usually used in place of double-tracking technique. The spatial impression can be adjusted in the range from the “in your face” direct to a distant reverby sound. spatifier解相关的信号在左右声道同时保留“单声道兼容”。这种去相关,创造了“尽可能宽“环绕效应。这种效应通常可用于双跟踪技术。空间印象的可调范围从“你的脸”直接到一个遥远的声音说道。 Spatifier achieves its result by first designing a complex impulse response that is then used by its internal convolution processor. The impulse response is defined by means of graphic equalizer-like controls (which can be adjusted in a freehand mode with the right mouse button). This makes it possible to set the spatial effect for each frequency band individually. In many practical cases Spatifier adds a great deal of warmness and enriches the timbre of the sound being processed. spatifier实现其结果由一个复杂的脉冲响应,然后通过其内部的卷积处理器的设计。脉冲响应是由图形均衡器像控件定义(可以在鼠标右键的写意方式调整)。这使得它可以设定每个频带的单独空间效应。在许多实际情况下spatifier极大地增加了温暖和丰富的声音的音色处理。 Voxengo.Spatifier.v1.0.3.Incl.Keygen-R2R voxengo.spatifier.v1.0.3.incl.keygen-r2r Voxengo.Spatifier.v1.0.3.MacOSX.Incl.Keygen-R2R voxengo.spatifier.v1.0.3.macosx.incl.keygen-r2r
