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[合成/合成器/其它] Synapse Audio Scorpion v4.3



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2015-2-9 13:39:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

Synapse Audio Scorpion v4.3 | 4.6 MB

The Scorpion is a virtual analog VSTi synthesizer. Unlike most other virtual analog synthesizers, the Scorpion does not attempt to recreate any particular real-world analog synthesizer, but contains original circuitry.

The Scorpion finds its use in all genres of electronic music, and is capable of a wide variety of strings, winds, basses, leads, pads and atmospheric sounds. You may think that two sawtooth oscillators can’t produce that many different sounds, but the clever coupling with variable phase and ring-modulation, makes this an instrument that will suprise you with many exciting sounds.

The array of possible sounds is further enhanced by a multimode filter with 4 modes, two ADSR envelopes for the filter and amplitude, and an LFO with two switchable destinations. Additionally, a modulation envelope is built in, with variable amount settings for ringmodulation and pitch.

The Scorpion has four effect sections built in: Reverb, Spectral FX, Chorus and Delay/Tremolo. The Reverb is a very smooth-sounding, physical-modelling plate reverb, with variable pre-delay and damping. The Spectral FX unit, is a special effect for spectral enhancement, which can be used both for boosting the bass, adding presence or brilliance to the sound.

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