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[合成/合成器/其它] Synapse Audio Plucked String 4弦乐



累计签到:58 天
连续签到:2 天
发表于 2015-2-9 13:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

Synapse Audio Plucked String v4.0 | 3.2 MB

The Plucked String is a physical modelling string instrument with a warm and pleasant sound, which includes five different string models. The type of sounds range from fuzzy, metallic guitar strings, over smooth nylon strings, to big and fat floorbass. It is also capable of more imaginative sounds with less resamblance to any real-world instruments.

The Plucked String generator attempts to emulate the behavior of a plucked string instrument, such as a guitar. The result may be far from accurate to a real guitar, but the sound is never the less very rich and characteristic. This type of sound may be useful in many genres of electronic music – especially in combination with effects, which help bring out the rich but subtle harmonics.

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