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[合成/合成器/其它] Rob Papen RAW v1.0.1a WiN



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连续签到:2 天
发表于 2015-2-9 13:18:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国广东东莞

Rob Papen RAW v1.0.1a WiN | 42.78 Mb

At the Dutch Dancefair 2014, DJ Promo (aka producer Sebastian Hoff) and DJ Free-K (aka producer Freek Vergoossen) approached Rob Papen with the idea of a synthesiser that focused more on ‘distorted’ sounds with an easy to use layout.

在荷兰,2014年dancefair促销(又名DJ DJ制作人塞巴斯蒂安Hoff)和K(又名三自由vergoossen制片人罗布巴本)接近与想法,更多的集中在一synthesiser方式听起来是一个易于使用的布局。

Renowned for delivering fresh, cutting edge and musical plugins for producers, Rob Papen invited the DJs to his studio for a brainstorming session resulting in a list of ‘must have’ features and tools for a brand new synth. Armed with this list and several more brainstorming sessions later, Rob Papen and his development team created a powerful new virtual synth RAW. RAW has two oscillators each with an X/Y field, (as included in Blade and BLUEII) to distort the waveform using Phase Distortion. But that’s not all, you can also draw two of your own ‘waveforms’ and use them as LFO waveforms enabling the creation of unique ‘wobble’ movements that are perfect for for DubStep and other electronic music styles.

闻名的切削刃提供新鲜,插件和音乐制片人罗布帕彭的邀请,到他在DJ Studio会话(头脑风暴,造成了一个清单,“必须有”工具的功能和一个全新的合成。这一战略武装头脑风暴和几个更多的会话后,罗布巴本和他的开发团队创建一个强大的新的虚拟合成的原料。每个振荡器有两个原始的X / Y(如场,包括刀片和一个distort blueii)波形的相位失真。但这是不是所有的,所以你可以自己画学院两波形的低频振荡波形和使用他们作为唯一授权的“摆动”的创作活动是完美的dubstep和其他电子音乐的风格。

RAW has all the great Rob Papen filters to shape your sound further, but in a refreshing twist, ‘EQ’, ‘Waveshaper’, ‘Distortion’ and ‘LoFi’ have also been added on a voice synthesis level. Other FX such as Chorus, Phaser, Flanger, Stereo delay and the amazing HQ Reverb of Rob Papen can all be added to your sound and of course, the cool Arpeggiator/Sequencer, Easypage and preset bank manager have all been included as standard.

所有伟大的罗布巴本安切洛蒂的原始滤波器形状的声音在继续,但在刷新捻,“情商”,“waveshaper”、“失真”和“增值”已经是lofi on a语音合成水平。其他外汇,如合唱,移相器,立体声镶边,混响延迟和惊人的HQ罗布巴本of CAN所有被添加到您的声音和当然,冷的琶音器/音序器,和所有的银行经理有easypage预置被包括作为标准。

In true Rob Papen style, RAW comes with many great presets with mainly contributions from several well known DJs and Producers for instant user inspiration! Promo, Ophidian, Mad dog, Deathmachine, D-Passion, Rob Fabrie, DJ Thera, N-Vitral, Tha Playah, DJ Hidden, The Viper, Warface and many more…

罗布帕彭在真生有许多伟大的风格,是一个主要的贡献从预置几个众所周知的DJ和制作人为用户即时的灵感!促销,疯狂的狗,deathmachine蛇类,D的激情,罗伯物治疗N,的DJ,DJ playahvitral,THA,隐,毒蛇,战和许多更多的……

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