ELECTRIC VICE brings the glitched-out, club-pumping sounds of modern electro house to MASCHINE and MASCHINE MIKRO. Featuring penetrating basses, acidic leads, pulsing drum and percussion sounds, and a fresh set of patterns and one-shots, Electric Vice is the definitive sound pack for aggressive electro house styles. 电气副带的glitched抽出,俱乐部的声音和现代电的房子到微机机。具有穿透贝司,鼓和打击乐器脉冲产生的酸性,新鲜的声音,和一套模式和一个镜头是明确的,电气副咄咄逼人的声音包的电的房子的风格。 ELECTRIC VICE is brimming with gritty, hard-hitting kicks, snares, claps, and percussion. One-shots, melodic samples, sound effects and glitchy synths from the included Special Kits, plus a selection of choice patterns at the perfect tempo inject Electric Vice with an addictive set of electrifying sounds – all processed using top-of-the-line studio equipment. 一个电气副brimming坚韧不拔,硬把claps踢,圈套,和打击乐器。一个画面,声音和旋律的样品,从glitchy合成器包括特殊试剂盒,加上选择选择模式将完美的速度在一个集电气学院副electrifying声音–所有处理使用顶级的在线工作室设备。 A fresh set of MASSIVE presets controllable directly in MASCHINE also come as part of this expansion, making this the perfect speaker-busting sound pack for producers of all modern electro house styles. A组为新鲜大规模直接预置中的一部分。因此本机来展开,让这完美的扬声器的声音busting Packfor生产电的房子所有的现代风格。