In addition to samples, there are a variety of effects including glissandi, tremolandi, bow ricochet and advanced 21st Century techniques.
Tune 48 unique cello staves using a loop interface that can be adjusted in pitch and synchronized with the tempo of the host.
• 5000+ cello samples
• 4 Velocity layers and 6 round robins
• 200 Presets
• Recorded with 2 Coles 4038 ribbon microphones
•使用2个Coles 4038带状话筒录制
• Native Kontrol Standard (NKS) Compatible
• 48 cello phrases available
• Easy to Play Loops Audio Engine
• Uncompressed audio files, recorded at 96kHz 24-bit
•未压缩音频文件,以96kHz 24位记录
