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Easily create your own professional-sounding bass lines, melodies and arpeggios from any chord progression. Play chords of any key or scale with one finger. Choose from several types of chords (triads, 7th, 9th), as well as several inversion and lead voice options. Apply Strum, Repeat, Hold and Velocity effects.
Smart Scales – Play awesome bass lines and melodies with Mozaic Beats’ patented Smart Scale system. Has different comparisons for different levels of knowledge. For beginners, the scale shifts with each chord selection. This allows you to keep your hand in the same position while the correct tones flow to your fingers.
智能音阶–使用Mozaic Beats获得专利的智能音阶系统播放令人敬畏的低音线条和旋律。对于不同的知识水平有不同的比较。对于初学者来说,音阶随着每个和弦的选择而变化。这可以让你保持你的手在同一位置,而正确的音调流到你的手指。
Step Sequencers – Program and apply a variety of rhythm patterns to the content you create with the Chord Generator and Smart Scale. Chord Prism comes with a wide range of genre presets that take full advantage of step sequencers.
Step Sequencers–对使用和弦生成器和智能音阶创建的内容编程并应用各种节奏模式。Chord Prism提供了广泛的流派预设,充分利用了步进音序器。
Multi Arpeggios – Create from the palette arpeggios with one finger that can be applied to any chord selection. Mozaic Beats’ patented Multi Arp technology allows you to mix and match Arpeggio patterns into unique combinations of direction and tempo change.
多琶音–用一个手指从调色板中创建可应用于任何和弦选择的琶音。Mozaic Beats的专利多Arp技术允许您将琶音模式混合和匹配成方向和节奏变化的独特组合。
Synchronizing Modules – When using multiple instances of Chord Prism in a project, each instance will share key, scale, and chord information. This allows you to quickly add elements such as bass, melody, and arpeggios to your chord progression without worrying about which tones will work with the chords.
同步模块–在项目中使用多个Chord Prism实例时,每个实例将共享关键点、比例和和弦信息。这使您可以快速地将低音、旋律和琶音等元素添加到和弦进行中,而无需担心哪些音调与和弦配合使用。
Chord Editor – Customize the notes of each specific chord step by step using the patented Mozaic Beats chord editor. Create any inversion, vocals, altered chord imaginable. A powerful tool for advanced users looking for more advanced accompaniment features.
和弦编辑器–使用获得专利的Mozaic Beats和弦编辑器,逐步定制每个特定和弦的音符。创造任何可以想象的倒装、人声、变调和弦。一个强大的工具,高级用户寻找更先进的伴奏功能。
Export MIDI – Once you’ve finished a track, you can easily drag and drop the current MIDI notes onto an instrument track in your DAW.
Tone / Chord Switches – Change keys or chord types on the fly using the Chord Prism switch keys. Great for live performance or quick listening to various ideas in the studio.
Most DAWs – Chord Prism is recognized as a VST instrument in your DAW. It produces no sound, but can be configured as MIDI output to another instrument in your DAW. Then you can record something to the Chord Prism track, which will control the playback of the other instrument track. You can also export the midi from Chord Prism to other instrument tracks. Multiple instances of Chord Prism can be used in a project.
大多数DAW–弦棱镜在DAW中被认为是VST仪器。它不产生声音,但可以配置为DAW中其他乐器的MIDI输出。然后,您可以将某些内容录制到和弦棱镜曲目,这将控制其他乐器曲目的播放。您还可以将midi从和弦棱镜导出到其他乐器曲目。一个项目中可以使用多个Chord Prism实例。
Maschine and Reason – Since these DAWs do not allow MIDI routing from one track to another, Chord Prism allows you to load an additional VST instrument. You can scan your VST instruments into the Chord Prism library, or drag and drop individual VST instruments from their folders on your computer to the Chord Prism library.
Maschine and Reason–由于这些DAW不允许MIDI从一个曲目路由到另一个曲目,所以Chord Prism允许您加载额外的VST乐器。您可以将VST乐器扫描到Chord Prism库中,或将单个VST乐器从计算机上的文件夹拖放到Chord Prism库中。
Logic Pro – Chord Prism can be used in the same way as the native Logic MIDI effects when placed in front of the instrument in the signal chain.
Logic Pro–Chord Prism在信号链中放置在乐器前面时,其使用方式与本机逻辑MIDI效果相同。