这个EQ效果器效果挺棒的,处理后的音色也很好,主要的是带了采样预设,这对于很多不会使用插件的朋友带来了极大的方便 TDR VOS SlickEQ – Gentleman’s Edition takes SlickEQ‘s concept to new heights and adds an exotic “Tilt”-filter flanked by flexible low-pass and high-pass filters. Five distinct EQ models provide a rich set of predefined EQ curves and behaviours for the three main semi parametric filter bands. TDR VOS slickeq–绅士版采用slickeq的概念带到新的高度,增加了一个奇异的“倾斜”过滤器两侧的柔性的低通和高通滤波器。五种EQ模式提供了三种主要的半带滤波器参数的一组丰富的预定义的EQ曲线和行为。 SlickEQ GE offers a switchable EQ non-linearity as well as six different output stages. These options offer subtle and interesting textures, from the typical “mojo” often associated with high quality analogue audio gear, up to more obvious saturation. slickeq GE提供了一个可切换EQ的非线性以及六个不同的输出级。这些选项提供细微和有趣的纹理,从经常与高质量的模拟音频齿轮相关的典型的“魔咒”,到更明显的饱和度。 An elaborate auto gain option automatically compensates for changes of perceived-loudness during EQ (within reasonable limits) and a gain-trim feature helps controlling peak overloads with ease. The 64bit multi-rate processing scheme (a.k.a. “internal re-sampling”) practically eliminates typical problems of digital EQ implementations such as frequency-warping, quantization distortion and aliasing. 精心选择自动增益自动补偿响度变化情商(在合理范围内)和增益调整功能有助于控制过载峰轻松。64位的多速率处理方案(又名“内重采样”)实际上消除了数字均衡器的实现如频率翘曲的典型问题,量化失真和走样。 Beside the primary controls, the plug-in comes with an array of additional helpers: Advanced preset management, a frequency magnitude plot, undo/redo, quick A/B comparison, copy & paste, an online help, editable labels, mouse-wheel support and much more. Finally, SlickEQ GE allows to exclusively process the stereo sum or stereo difference 在基本控制,插件带有额外的帮手数组:先进的预定管理,频率幅值图,撤销/重做,快速A/B对比,复制和粘贴,在线帮助,可编辑标签,支持鼠标滚轮和更多。最后,GE可以专门处理slickeq立体声和立体差异 without external sum/difference encoding (see “M/S” microphony). 无需外部的和/差分编码(见“米/秒”微音)。
