HoRNet L3012 VST crack is a channel strip plugin designed with bass players in mind and contains all the tools needed to make a bass sound good.
HoRNet L3012 VST crack是一款专为低音播放器设计的频道带插件,它包含了使低音效果良好所需的所有工具。
HoRNet L3012 VST crack is the result of the collaboration between HoRNet Plugins and Lusi, Italian bass player and aims to give you in a single package the tools you need for bass processing both in studio and live.
HoRNet L3012 VST crack是HoRNet插件和Lusi(意大利贝司手)合作的结果,旨在为您提供在录音室和现场处理贝司所需的工具。
HoRNet L3012 VST crack packs under its interface an analog tube preamp section that can be overdriven to add grit to your sound, followed by a gentle “bass boost” circuit and a transient shaper, which makes the attack and picks of your bass sound great. You then get high pass and low pass filters, a low shelf, high shelf and a fully parametric mid band to fix resonances and shape your sound, the last stage is a complete compressor modelled after a famous VCA compressor often used on bass.
HoRNet L3012 VST crack在其界面下封装了一个模拟管前置放大器部分,可以过度驱动,为您的声音添加沙砾,然后是一个柔和的“低音增强”电路和一个瞬态整形器,这使得您的低音的攻击和拾取非常棒。然后你会得到高通和低通滤波器,一个低架,高架和一个完全参数化的中间带来固定共振和塑造你的声音,最后一个阶段是一个完整的压缩机,模仿一个著名的VCA压缩机,通常用于低音。
HoRNet L3012 VST crack is a very light and versatile plugin that provides you the highest quality sound with analog modelling technology in every part of the processing chain, for this reason internally it uses what we call “intelligent oversampling” allowing the plugin to choose the amount of oversampling (up to 4x) depending on the sampling rate of your DAW settings.
HoRNet L3012 VST crack是一款非常轻巧和多功能的插件,它在处理链的每个部分都采用模拟建模技术,为您提供最高质量的声音,因此它在内部使用我们称之为“智能过采样”,允许插件选择过采样量(最多4倍)取决于DAW设置的采样率。
The GUI is completely drawn using vectorial graphics and is hardware accelerated so it looks good at every screen resolution and does not add processing weight to your CPU, it can be used for DSP processing.
We have also included two presets designed by Lusi to show you how the plugin can be used with two of the most popular bass models (you’ll guess which ones by the name of the preset) so just make sure you hit the plugin on the yellow part of the input meter and you are good to go.