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Scanner Vibrato VST crack is a virtual effect plug-in that aims to recreate the scanner-vibrato effect from a well-known tonewheel organ.
Scanner Vibrato VST crack是一个虚拟效果插件,旨在从一个著名的Toneweel器官重新创建Scanner Vibrato效果。
The original scanner-vibrato was developed in the 1940s, and was an analog, electromechanical device, consisting of an analog delay line and a mechanical rotor (“scanner”). The rotor was driven by the organ’s internal motor, and therefore its rate was fixed at about 6.9 Hz. The original scanner-vibrato could produce both chorus and vibrato effects, and it offered three depth presets.
最初的扫描可控震源是在20世纪40年代开发的,是一种模拟机电设备,由模拟延迟线和机械转子(“扫描仪”)组成。转子由器官的内部电机驱动,因此其频率固定在6.9 Hz左右。原来的扫描仪颤音可以产生合唱和颤音效果,它提供了三个深度预设。
scanner vibrato vst crack features
Martinic Scanner Vibrato crack is modelled closely on the original scanner-vibrato, so it offers the same features (and flaws), perfectly preserving the character of the original effect. However, cracked Scanner Vibrato is more flexible; you can adjust the rate, depth, and even stereo width. And best of all, you can apply Scanner Vibrato keygen not only to organ sounds, but also to guitar, synthesizer, or whatever sound you like.
Martinic Scanner可控震源裂纹与原始扫描可控震源非常接近,因此它提供了相同的特征(和缺陷),完美地保留了原始效果的特征。然而,裂纹扫描振子更灵活;您可以调整速率、深度甚至立体声宽度。最重要的是,你们可以将扫描仪颤音键不仅应用于风琴声音,也可以应用于吉他、合成器或任何你们喜欢的声音。