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Spectra is a powerful digital additive resynthesizer built exclusively for the Reason platform. Spectra’s ability to analyze and re-synthesize any periodic harmonic waveform with its built-in spectral waveform analyzer means you can never exhaust Spectra’s sound creation capabilities. If you’ve ever wanted to create sound by drawing your harmonic spectrum, waveform, or drawing a spectral filter response, then Spectra might be what you’ve been waiting for.
Each voice in Spectra’s synthesis uses two spectral generators, giving you complete control over the harmonic structure of your sound. Built-in and user-defined spectrum modulators ensure you can control multiple harmonics, individual harmonics, morph spectra, sequence spectrum transform, transform filters, sequence filter transform – all with automation.
The Spectra Waveform Analyzer ensures you never go without sound options by allowing you to analyze internal and / or external sound sources, draw your own waveforms, and save harmonic spectra from any periodic source.
The Spectra Editor lets you draw your own harmonic spectrum, draw your own filter responses, and easily design your own filters and spectrum transform sequences.
Spectra has a variety of built-in modulators that let you shape sound in almost any way imaginable. Spectra’s 2 harmonic envelopes each contain 256 DADSR envelopes allowing you to shape, simulate or contour sound spectra beyond your imagination, while 3 sixteen-step MSEGs provide additional modulation options. 2 LFO Spectra let you draw your own LFO shapes and also include Sample and Hold functions.
Spectra有多种内置调谐器,可以让您以几乎任何可以想象的方式塑造声音。Spectra的2个谐波包络每个包含256个DADSR包络,允许您塑造、模拟或勾勒超出想象的声音频谱,而3个16步MSEG提供额外的调制选项。2 LFO光谱允许您绘制自己的LFO形状,还包括采样和保持功能。
In the past, additive synthesis was difficult. Not anymore. Spectra makes it relatively easy to program complex additive patches. Spectra’s design is based on the principle that it should be as simple or complex as the user wants. This is also borne out by our core philosophy that synthesizers should be fun, no matter how you define it.
Easy to program Additive Synthesiser which enables you to control each harmonic in a Generator.
Over 400 included patches from renowned sound designers.
Easy to use Spectral Analyzer enabling you to recreate any existing periodic, harmonic waveforms.
Full modulation control over the harmonic spectrum including modulation of multiple harmonics, single harmonics, harmonic tuning and the ability to morph with 2 different morph targets.
Fully editable Harmonic Spectrums
Fully editable Spectral Filters enabling you to draw your own filter.
2 Harmonic Envelopes, each consisting of 256 DADSR envelope enabling you to shape the contour of each harmonic in a sound.
2个谐波包络,每个由256 DADSR包络组成,使您能够塑造声音中每个谐波的轮廓。
True Spectral Morphing
Morphing Filters
Harmonic Morph Sequences
Filter Morph Sequences
Editable LFO Shapes
3 MSEGs of up to 16 stages
2 Built in XY Controllers
6 External CV Inputs