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[动态处理/压缩器/EQ] Red Rock Sound Inspirer v1.0.0 WIN-BUBBi,VST,VST3,AAX增强式压缩效果器温暖饱和效果中最大音量效果器插件



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发表于 3 天前 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国重庆
WIN格式:VST VST3 AAX  WIN(32位) WIN(64位) 
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Red Rock Sound Inspirer Screenshot.jpg

The Red Rock Sound Inspirer plug-in is developed to meet the growing demand for maximum apparent loudness in contemporary immersive music mixes.
Red Rock Sound Inspirer插件的开发是为了满足当代沉浸式音乐混音中对最大表观响度日益增长的需求。
While many existing techniques rely on compression and limiting to enhance modulation and create an exciting sound, the Inspirer takes these methods a step further. It can boost the loudness of virtually any audio material, regardless of prior compression or dynamic range. Moreover, the Inspirer is capable of imparting the warmth and character inherent to analog consoles.
Save time and avoid tedious manual workarounds with the Inspirer plug-in designed from the ground up for fast, efficient work on mid/side, stereo and the objects, the beds (fixed channels) of immersive mixing environments.
This module allows you to select an Aural Exciter from four available. The Aural Exciters are arranged in series, this allows you to process channels with different Exciter settings.
此模块允许您从四个可用的听觉激励器中选择一个。Aural Exciters是串联排列的,这允许您处理具有不同Exciter设置的频道。
For example: the first Aural Exciter is only the mid channel, the second Aural Exciter is only the side channel, the third Aural Exciter is the left and right channel. For multi-channel modes: the first Aural Exciter is only the left and right channels, the second Aural Exciter is the center channel, the third Aural Exciter is the LFE, etc.
You can rename unit Buttons for ease of use. To rename the selected Unit button, right-click on the button.
In order to turn on the solo (listen) of the Aural Exciter, double-click on the selected unit number. The unit in solo mode glows yellow, to exit solo mode, double-click again. For two-channel modes, only one unit can be solo mode. For multi-channel modes, one or more units can be soloed.
要打开Aural Exciter的独奏(收听),请双击所选的单元号。处于独奏模式的装置会发出黄色光芒,要退出独奏模式,请再次双击。对于双通道模式,只有一个单元可以是独奏模式。对于多通道模式,可以单独使用一个或多个单元。
To bypass selected Aural Exciter processing, press the selected unit number one click + shift. In bypass mode, the button will glow red.
You can also copy all Aural Exciter settings to another unit. To do this, select the unit from which you want to copy the settings, then click on the copy button, then select the unit to which you want to copy the settings.
您还可以将所有Aural Exciter设置复制到另一个单元。为此,请选择要从中复制设置的单位,然后单击复制按钮,然后选择要将设置复制到的单位。
Input Routing
Input Routing lets you choose between 44 common channel setups, starting from Stereo up to 7.1.4 and 9.1.6. Simply select in the input routing module the channel setup that fits your track.
You can also create your own input routing profiles. 16 independent channels are available.
Click on the edit button next to the input routing selection display. Hold down the shift button and select the desired number of channels. Name selected channels in order. Then click save and name the profile.




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