See the Notes In Any Sample Instantly | Turn samples into MIDI and make better beats easily.
100% accurate since you're in control.
noteGRABBER makes sampling EASY
Sampling has an important legacy in music. 90% of the greatest beats use samples (as per Rock The Bells).
采样在音乐中有着重要的遗产。90%的最佳节拍使用样本(根据Rock the Bells)。
But many producers find sampling hard, because there aren't many plugins for sampling. That’s where noteGRABBER comes in. It's an audio-to-midi tool that is 100% accurate, showing you every note in your sample and letting you choose what you want.
With noteGRABBER, you can add instruments, create new patterns, and build around your samples easier. It’s a game-changer for those who want to be a part of sampling tradition. Think of noteGRABBER as your secret weapon to make sampling easy and fun.