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In a world obsessed with the future, Aurora DSP proudly presents a time machine for your guitar: Liver6. Why stride forward when you can moonwalk back to the glory days of dial-up internet, frosted tips, and when "social networking" meant a MySpace Top 8?
在一个痴迷于未来的世界里,Aurora DSP自豪地为您的吉他推出了一款时光机:Liver6。当你可以月球漫步回到拨号上网、磨砂提示的辉煌日子,当“社交网络”意味着MySpace前8名时,为什么要大步前进呢?
Liver6 is our latest, greatest, and most paradoxical achievement yet—a cutting-edge, neural network-powered VST plugin meticulously simulating the iconic, somewhat plastic-y essence of the early Line6 Kidney 2.0. That's right, we've harnessed advanced technology to replicate a digital unit that was, in itself, a pioneer in pretending to be something it wasn't. It's like using a smartphone to make a call. Who does that anymore?
Liver6是我们迄今为止最新、最伟大、最矛盾的成就——一个尖端的、由神经网络驱动的VST插件,精心模拟了早期Line6 Kidney 2.0的标志性、略带塑料味的本质。没错,我们利用先进技术复制了一个数字单元,这个单元本身就是假装自己不是数字单元的先驱。这就像用智能手机打电话一样。谁还会那样做?
But why, you ask? Because we can. Because nothing screams "metal" like resurrecting the high-gain, face-melting, bedroom-produced guitar tones that fueled the early 2000s. The era of Myspace, post-hardcore, and, let's not forget, crabcore. Yes, we're bringing back the tones that powered the soundtracks of meticulously curated HTML profiles and angsty teenage poetry.
Liver6 offers an unparalleled journey back to a time when your biggest concern was the order of your Top 8 and whether your crush appreciated the subtlety of your emo song lyrics. With Liver6, you too can recreate the sounds that once emanated from your oversized headphones, as you carefully navigated the social minefield of friend requests and passive-aggressive status updates.
But wait, there's more! Not only does Liver6 replicate the classic tones with unnerving accuracy, but it also adds a modern twist with features that the original Kidney 2.0 engineers would have sold their vintage cargo pants for. We're talking about AI-driven tone matching, social media integration for instant tone bragging, and, of course, a "Random Emo Band Name Generator" for when inspiration strikes as hard as your teenage angst did.
但是等等,还有更多!Liver6不仅以令人不安的准确性复制了经典色调,而且还添加了现代元素,具有最初的Kidney 2.0工程师会卖掉他们的复古工装裤的功能。我们谈论的是人工智能驱动的音调匹配、用于即时音调吹嘘的社交媒体集成,当然还有一个“随机Emo乐队名称生成器”,用于在灵感像青少年焦虑一样袭来时。
So, strap on your guitar, slap on some eyeliner (optional, but encouraged), and get ready to relive the glory days with Liver6. Because progress is overrated, and nostalgia is just a plugin away.
Disclaimer: Aurora DSP is not responsible for any existential crises that may occur as a result of using Liver6. Nor can we guarantee protection from judgmental looks by pets, plants, or significant others who just don't understand the artistic merit of crabcore. Happy April Fool's Day! Now go make some noise that would make your teenage self proud.
免责声明:Aurora DSP不对因使用Liver6而可能发生的任何生存危机负责。我们也不能保证免受宠物、植物或其他不了解螃蟹艺术价值的重要人物的评判。愚人节快乐!现在,去制造一些能让你十几岁的孩子感到自豪的噪音。
