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At Suhr, we don’t merely produce some of the finest hand-crafted guitars and amplifiers – we produce dreams that inspire musical passion and artistic creativity. Our fervent dedication to the highest standards of quality possible, our fanatical attention to detail, our ears for tone, and our love for music, are all evident in everything we produce.
The passion to be the very best possible is the underlying current of what Suhr is all about. The vision of John Suhr is to design and produce the best musical instruments and electronics possible. From there the skill of experienced master craftsmen, technological know-how, and the hard work of dedicated employees who truly love what they’re doing take over to produce modern works of art that discriminating artists and musicians will savor for a lifetime.
对尽可能做到最好的热情是苏的根本所在。John Suhr的愿景是设计和生产尽可能好的乐器和电子产品。从那里,经验丰富的工匠大师的技能、技术诀窍,以及真正热爱自己所做工作的敬业员工的辛勤工作,将接管生产出具有鉴别力的艺术家和音乐家将终生品味的现代艺术作品。
Suhr SE100
Suhr SE100
Own the sound of the legendary SE 3+ pre mod preamp for vintage Marshalls that shaped the sounds of rock, pop and country royalty including Eddie Van Halen, Steve Lukather (Toto and Michael Jackson), Michael Landau (Joni Mitchell and Tim McGraw), Doug Aldrich (Whitesnake, DIO, Dead Daisies).
拥有传奇的SE 3+pre-mod前置放大器的声音,适用于复古马歇尔乐队,塑造了摇滚、流行和乡村皇室的声音,包括Eddie Van Halen、Steve Lukather(托托和迈克尔·杰克逊)、Michael Landau(Joni Mitchell和Tim McGraw)、Doug Aldrich(Whitesnake、DIO、Dead Daisies)。
Suhr PT100
Suhr PT100
The Suhr PT-100 is a stunningly refined and flexible take on the classic Plexi-style amp head, designed by master guitar builder John Suhr, along with influential guitarist and tone expert Pete Thorn. This exacting plugin emulation offers a huge variety of guitar tones from pristine clean, to delightfully crunchy, to screaming high gain.
Suhr PT-100是由吉他大师John Suhr和有影响力的吉他手兼音调专家Pete Thorn共同设计的经典Plexi风格的放大器头的完美精致和灵活演绎。这个严格的插件模拟提供了各种各样的吉他音调,从原始的干净,到令人愉悦的松脆,再到尖叫的高增益。
