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The first and most natural musical instrument is the human voice. Voxillion is a stunning and sophisticated system that was created exclusively for your vocals. It is a high-end blend of a tube-driven preamp, 2 types of carefully designed compressors, Nasal Dynamic EQs, Harmonics and much more.
第一种也是最自然的乐器是人声。Voxillion是一个令人惊叹的复杂系统,专为您的人声而设计。它是一款高端的管驱动前置放大器、2种精心设计的压缩机、Nasal Dynamic EQs、Harmonics等的混合产品。
Voxillion was created to replace your long vocal chains and allow a faster, more streamlined approach to vocal mixing and processing. We are proud to say that it exhibits some of the best emulated tube circuitry on the market and accurately emulates each individual module to mirror the hardware that we modelled.
Mix and track your opulent vocals in real time using Voxillion’s high-fidelity, Class A tube mic preamp.
Use Class A EQ, dynamic EQ, and emulated tubes for your own voice overs, podcasts and other projects.
Easily sculpt vocals with Voxillion’s WS LOWEND style passive EQ with an endless frequency range to choose from.
Voxillion的WS LOWEND风格被动EQ可供选择,可轻松塑造人声。
Utilize compressor 2’s HF Pre Emphasis’ unparalleled de-esser to naturally reduce sibilance, or explore a little further with our Nasal Dynamic EQ options.
利用压缩器2的HF Pre-Emphasis无与伦比的除臭剂自然减少嘶嘶声,或者使用我们的Nasal Dynamic EQ选项进一步探索。
Compressor 1’s transparent ELOP compressor with 25 Attack and Release variations allows you to precisely control any incoming signal.
Voxillion isn’t just for vocals. Additionally, it’s a well-kept secret weapon for basslines and anyone wishing to take use of its sophisticated tube signal path and stylish EQ and compression embellishments.
